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About EPA

Contact Us about EPA's Organizations

Report an environmental violation

Report possible violations of environmental laws and regulations.

Questions about EPA Organizations

If you have a question about an EPA headquarters office or about one of our Regional offices around the nation, please go to that office's page (you'll find the links in the middle of the About EPA home page). Once on the office’s page, look for the "Contact" link in the Related Information box (NOT the "Contact Us" link in the upper right corner of the page -- clicking on that will bring you back to this page).​

Local or Regional Issues

If you have a question about a local or regional issue, please view the map of EPA Regions; click on the Region you are located in and look for the "Contact" link in the Related Information box (NOT the "Contact Us" link in the upper right corner of the page -- clicking on that will bring you back to this page).

Questions about Other Topics

We strive to respond to every request with an answer or an appropriate referral as quickly as possible. Most websites within epa.gov have their own "Contact Us" pages. Almost every page on epa.gov has links at the upper right and at the bottom that go to the "Contact Us" page for that topic. You will receive a quicker response if you send your question or comment to the "Contact Us" page that is most closely related to the topic you're interested in. 

If you have a question about a topic not mentioned on this page, try the "Contact Us" page that is most closely related to the topic you're interested in, or the main Contact EPA page.