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EPA Research

Methods, Models, Tools, and Databases

EPA Tools Cafe Resources

Scientific Tools to Support Sustainable Decision Making

Air Research Methods, Models, Tools and Databases


EPA's air research provides the critical science to develop and implement outdoor air regulations under the Clean Air Act and puts new tools and information in the hands of air quality managers and regulators to protect the air we breathe.  Learn more about air research methods, models, tools and databases.

Climate Change Research Methods, Models, Tools, and Databases

Climate Change

EPA conducts research to understand the environmental and health impacts of climate change and to provide sustainable solutions for adapting to and reducing the impact from a changing climate. Learn more about climate change research methods, models, tools and databases.

Ecosystems Research Methods, Models, Tools, and Databases


EPA's ecosystems research is working to protect ecosystems and the air and water resources that provide numerous benefits for humans and other living things. Learn more about ecosystems research methods, models, tools and databases.

Health Research Methods, Models, Tools,and Databases


EPA research is helping communities and policymakers develop and implement policies and practices to improve public health, especially for vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly and the socioeconomically disadvantaged. Learn more about health research methods, models, tools and databases.

Homeland Security Research Methods, Models, Tools, and Databases

Homeland Security

Following the terrorist events of September 11, 2001 and the mailing of anthrax contaminated letters later that year, EPA's mission broadened to include protecting human health and the environment from the effects of biological, chemical, and radiological contamination due to homeland security events. Learn more about homeland security research methods, models, tools and databases.

Human Health Risk Assessment Research Methods, Models, Tools, and Databases

Human Health Risk Assessment

EPA uses risk assessment to characterize the nature and magnitude of health risks to humans and animals from chemical contaminants and other stressors that may be present in the environment. Learn more about human health risk assessment research methods, models, tools and databases.

Land and Waste Management Research Methods, Models, Tools, and Databases

Land and Waste Management

EPA is working to develop methods and guidance to manage and clean up contaminated land, ground water and nutrient pollution as well as develop innovative approaches to managing materials and waste including energy recovery. Learn more about land and waste management research methods, models, tools and databases.

Chemical Safety Research Methods, Models, Tools, and Databases

Safer Chemicals

EPA's chemical safety research protects human health and the environment by evaluating chemicals for potential risk and providing tools and guidance for improved chemical production that supports a sustainable environment. Learn more about chemical safety research methods, models, tools and databases.

Water Research Methods, Models, Tools, and Databases


Water research conducted at EPA provides the science and tools necessary to develop sustainable solutions to 21st century water resource problems, ensuring water quality and availability in order to protect human and ecosystem health. Learn more about water research methods, models, tools and databases.