CNPP Projects
CNPP Projects

CNPP’s mission is to improve the health of Americans by developing and promoting dietary guidance that links scientific research to the nutrition needs of consumers.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Dietary Guidelines

The Dietary Guidelines provide advice for healthy Americans ages 2 years and over about making food choices that promote health and reduce disease risk.


MyPlate is designed to remind Americans to eat healthfully and illustrates the 5 food groups using a familiar mealtime visual, a place setting. MiPlato is the Spanish-language version.


Get your personalized nutrition and physical activity plan. Track your foods and physical activities to see how they stack up. Get tips and support to help you make healthier choices and plan ahead.

Cost of Raising a Child Slideshow Image
The Cost of Raising a Child

Expenditures on Children by Families, also known as the Cost of Raising a Child, estimates the cost of raising children from birth through age 17 for major budgetary components.

Nutrition Evidence Library Slideshow Image
Nutrition Evidence Library

The USDA’s NEL is a systematic review library that uses a state-of-the-art methodology to review, evaluate, and synthesize food- and nutrition-related research.

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