11 Tips To Not Be Awkward at a Career Fair

Attending a career fair can be a really awkward experience. We get it. So before attending our career fair in October, read these tips on how to prepare so it’s a productive and not-so-awkward experience. 

1. Research who will be there. 


Originally posted by madewithcode

Before the career fair, take a minute to see who will be attending. Research the agencies and possible openings. By knowing who is there, you can strategically plan your time and impress recruiters with specific questions.

2. Ask questions. 


Originally posted by j3llz-blog-blog

Create a list of questions. Specific questions indicate interest. This may be the only chance you have for face time with an agency representative during the application process.

3. Look professional. 


(via Giphy)

First impressions can be lasting. Your clothing choices make a statement about who you are and where you want to go.

4. Keep an open mind. 


Originally posted by shawnasgonnagif

Stroll around the fair and chat with all recruiters. You might be surprised by the variety of different positions available – even at agencies you might not expect. Keep an open mind.

5. Don’t be intimidated. 


Originally posted by onewomanthreecats

Recruiters attend career fairs not only to look for potential new employees but also to conduct outreach on behalf of their agency: they are there to chat.

6. Talk to other participants.


Originally posted by elliottcase

The job search is all about networking. Who knows, maybe the person next to you in the registration line is your next job lead.

7. Prepare an elevator pitch.


Originally posted by tkim90

Prepare a brief pitch about your background and career interests. Recruiters want to determine if you are a good fit for the position and agency.

8. Leverage your AmeriCorps VISTA service & NCE status.


Originally posted by colbertreport

Your NCE status means you can be hired outside the standard federal hiring process. NCE status=No USAJobs.

9. Bring your resume. 


Originally posted by idjitpadalecki

Recruiters like to receive paper copies of resumes. They can make notes about your conversation and remember you better.

10.   Be yourself 


Originally posted by akaashvaani

You will stand out to recruiters if you smile and tell a story about your service. Try not to be nervous and let your personality shine through.

11.   Follow up 


Originally posted by keepcalmandprogram

Ask for business cards! Email right after the career fair with thanks and follow-up questions. Perhaps the recruiter can help you with informational interviews or provide insight to the hiring process. 

Now put this knowledge to good use and check out the AmeriCorps VISTA Federal Career Expo for AmeriCorps VISTA members & alumni, returned Peace Corps Volunteers and Peace Corps Staff on October 25 in Washington, DC.

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