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State DOT P3 Resources

Texas Facilities Commission Public-Private Partnership Guidelines
December 2015

The Texas Facilities Commission is responsible for all state public buildings, grounds, and property; acts as custodian of all state personal property; and is responsible for its proper care and security. By organizing public-private partnerships, the Commission's goal is to encourage redevelopment of underdeveloped and underutilized properties, share risk and expense, and participate in cash flow performance. These guidelines are designed to aid the private sector in the submission of proposals in response to solicitations. It presents the proposal evaluation process and selection criteria and discusses interim and comprehensive agreements.

The Commonwealth of Virginia Implementation Manual and Guidelines For the Public - Private Transportation Act of 1995 (As Amended July 2015)
The Commonwealth of Virginia has been an international leader in the use of public private partnerships for the last two decades. This amended Manual and Guidelines was updated in 2014, with a focus on strengthening transparency, competitiveness, and public engagement. Comments and input from the public, policy, and private sector stakeholders over the past several years have made this PPTA Manual and Guidelines and its programmatic documents more comprehensive and pragmatic.

The Use of Life-Cycle Cost Analysis to Evaluate Public-Private Partnerships
This study presents the results of a literature review and interviews with experts from several state DOTs about the use of life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) for comparing traditional procurement options to P3 concessions projects. The study found little direct information on the application of LCCA to P3 projects, although there is a significant amount of guidance and research related to value for money (VfM) comparisons of public procurement options to P3 proposals, and to LCCA in general. The study includes spreadsheets used for estimating the O&M costs of Georgia DOT's Northwest Corridor project (originally conceived of as a DBFOM concession) and detailed estimates of cost of ownership for the Maryland Transportation Authority's travel plaza concessions project.

Evaluation of Public Private Partnerships for State Transportation Projects
This study was commissioned by the Washington State Legislature's Joint Transportation Committee to assess if, why and how public-private partnerships (P3s) can potentially benefit the state in relation to the delivery and operation of its transportation infrastructure. Its focus is both general, providing tools and strategic guidelines for the state in relation to the potential use, benefits and barriers to P3s; and specific, through the assessments of five candidate projects that are in the state's Transportation Plan.

Contracting & Public-Private Partnerships - A Guide for State & Local Government Officials & Administrators
This guide is designed to inform state and local government officials and administrators about the tools of contracting and public-private partnerships (P3s). The guide provides advice for thinking about both the policy issues as well as the procurement and implementation issues involved with these tools. This guide is organized in a highly readable fashion and includes case study examples illustrating the current use of contracting and public-private partnerships (P3s). Among others, the guide covers such topics as: contracting, risk transfers, communication, and the new statutory authority for local governments in Florida to engage in P3s.

I-70 East Corridor Project Value for Money Report
This value for money ("VfM") analysis compares the total costs of delivering the I-70 East Corridor Project using different forms of procurement. The objectives are to identify the procurement approach which best fits within Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and Colorado Bridge Enterprises' (CBE) Affordability Envelope for the Project; results in the lowest net present value of payments by CDOT and CBE over the lifecycle of the project and maximizes availability of CBE revenues to fund additional, bridge replacement, and rehabilitation projects; and creates the least risk to CBE's AA- credit rating.

Joint Legislative and Executive Commission on Oversight of Public-Private Partnerships
The Joint Legislative and Executive Commission on Oversight of Public-Private Partnerships was tasked with reviewing Maryland's current process for P3s, studying the best practices and lessons learned from other states and countries, evaluating the statutory definition of P3s and making recommendations on broad policy parameters to improve how Maryland analyzes, oversees, and approves future partnerships. The Commission held six public meetings and one public forum and then synthesized the information it heard into recommendations and a final report.

The Commission found that Maryland's pursuit of P3s should be focused on physical infrastructure and the delivery of assets rather than privatization or the contracting out of existing services. The Commission recognizes that P3s are only part of the solution, but that expanding their use can help Maryland jumpstart priority projects that otherwise might not be built, increase private investment in public infrastructure and create more jobs throughout the State.

Current Practices in Public-Private Partnerships for Highway Projects
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States throughout the country face serious gaps between the level of highway services demanded by citizens and businesses and the funding available to finance, construct, operate and maintain the highway system. The needed improvements would provide substantial economic benefits to the traveling public - both to citizens of the sponsoring states and to the residents and businesses traveling through these states to other destination.

The State of Maryland is exploring the potential to expand the use of public-private partnerships (P3) to deliver highway projects. Maryland has enjoyed success using the "design-build" model of P3 in several highway projects. That model would be expanded to larger projects and could encompass a broader range of project activities including the financing, planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance of highways.

Issued in July 2005, this report reviews transportation P3 initiatives throughout the US in order to gain a broad understanding of the challenges and obstacles associated with such programs. The information used in the review came from two concurrent research efforts conducted by staff from the Maryland Transportation Authority, Maryland DOT State Highway Administration, FHWA, and KCI Technologies (the Maryland P3 Team) in 2004.

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