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What is the effect on driver certification based on FMCSA hypertension stages?

A driver with a diagnosis of hypertension on treatment should have at least an annual certification.
A CMV driver with a Blood pressure (BP) 140/90 may be certified for 2 years.
First time BP elevated:
Stage 1 - BP 140-159/90-99 Certification Period 1 year
Stage 2 - BP 160-179/100-109 Certification Period 3 months as one time certification. Within the 3 months, if the blood pressure is below 140/90, the driver may receive 1 year certification.
Stage 3 - BP Reading >180/110 Disqualified. When the blood pressure is less than 140/90, the driver can be certified at 6 month intervals.

Last Updated : April 1, 2014
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