Central U.S. Earthquake Consortium - CUSEC

Welcome to the CUSEC Website. Our site covers everything from basic earthquake safety and mitigation issues, to a calendar of events and the some of the science behind the seismicity in the central United States. We want to have a site that is informative and easy to navigate and we welcome your feedback. Thanks for visiting...

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Events Calendar Print E-mail

September 2016
September 1-30 - National Preparedness Month
September 5 - Labor Day Holiday; CUSEC Office Closed
September 21-22 - CUSEC Board of Directors Meeting; Huntsville, Alabama
September 21 - FEMA154 Rapid Visual Screening & ATC-20 Post-Earthquake Safety Evaluation Training; Benton, Kentucky
September 23 -
Missouri SAVE Coalition Training; St. Louis, Missouri
September 24 - Rock, Fossil, Quake Earthquake Preparedness Day; St. Louis, Missouri
September 27 - FEMA Earthquake Training; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
September 28 -
FEMA Earthquake Training; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
September 29 -
FEMA Earthquake Training; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
September 30 - America's PrepareAthon! National Day of Action

October 2016
October 1-4 - NEMA Annual Forum; Chicago, Illinois
October 7 - FEMA154 Rapid Visual Screening & ATC-20 Post-Earthquake Safety Evaluation Training; Memphis, Tennessee
October 11-14 - HAZUS Training; N. Little Rock, Arkansas
October 18 - Quakesmart Preparedness & Mitigation Summit; Memphis, Tennessee
October 20 - Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill; Worldwide
October 20 -
Quakesmart Preparedness & Mitigation Summit; Washington, DC
October 21 -
Missouri SAVE Coalition Training; Cape Girardeau, Missouri
October 26-27 - FEMA154 Rapid Visual Screening & ATC-20 Post-Earthquake Safety Evaluation Training; Indianapolis, Indiana

November 2016
November 1-2 - CUSEC State Geologists Meeting; N. Little Rock, AR
November 7-9 - HAZUS User Conference; Charleston, South Carolina

Last Updated on Friday, 09 September 2016 16:26
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CUSEC News Print E-mail

Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills 
October 2016 - At 10:20 a.m. on October 20, 2016, millions of people will "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" in the Great ShakeOut, the world's largest earthquake drill. Everyone is encouraged to participate and inform others about the drill because earthquakes can occur at any time and happen anywhere: at home, at work, at school, or even on vacation. ShakeOut is a chance to prepare yourself, your family, and your organization by practicing protective actions to take during earthquakes and other aspects of your emergency plans. Register today so that you will:

 - Be counted  in the largest-ever earthquake drill in the world!
 - Be listed with other participants in your area. (Optional)
 - Be an example that motivates others to participate & prepare.

Worldwide, more than 25 million people will participate in the ShakeOut.  CUSEC has led and participated in ShakeOut activities since 2011 in the Central U.S. and since 2012 in the SouthEast. To find out more and how to participate, visit www.shakeout.org.

September is National Preparedness Month
September 2016 - Each September, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Ready Campaign host "National Preparedness Month" - an effort to improve individual and community preparedness towards disasters.  In 2016, National Preparedness Month is a timely reminder that we all need to be better prepared.  In the past two months, there have been earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and severe weather that have caused damage and loss of life in the Midwest and Southeast United States. From Hurricane Hermine to the historic flooding in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to the moderate M5.8 earthquake near Pawnee, Oklahoma, these events have impacted thousands of individuals.  While natural disasters cannot be prevented, many of their impacts can.  On a community level, it is important to adopt and enforce modern building codes, which take into account local hazards, to reduce deaths and injuries, as well as improve community resiliency.  On an individual level, being prepared for a disasters can be accomplished in a variety of ways.  From making communications plans to reconnect with family members, to building disaster supply kits, to taking first aid training, citizens can play an important role in improving their own ability to respond following an event.  

Following National Preparedness Month, CUSEC will again be participating in the Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill, set for Thursday October 20 at 10:20AM, local time.  The ShakeOut is another dedicated time to practice how to be prepared and stay safe, for earthquakes and other disasters.  In 2015, more than 40 million people participated in ShakeOut drills around the globe, practicing how to "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" in the event of an earthquake.  We encourage everyone to learn how to stay safe and how to  participate in the ShakeOut by visiting www.shakeout.org/centralus.

FEMA P-154 & ATC-20 Training set for this October
August 2016 - CUSEC and the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency are presenting a FREE training opportunity this October in Memphis, Tennessee.  The training will include FEMA P-154: Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) of Buildings for Potential Seismic Hazards (pre-event) and ATC-20: Post-Earthquake Safety Evaluations of Buildings (post-event). The training is targeted to b
uilding officials, engineers, architects, building owners, facility managers, emergency managers, risk analysts, and others interested in building inventory and safety assessments from a seismic perspective.

Sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Earthquake Technical Assistance Program (NETAP), the training is free and open to the public.  Participants must pre-register for the training by September 30, 2016.  Registration is available online at http://register.cusec.org.

Last Updated on Monday, 17 October 2016 19:18
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