AmeriCorps Reaches 1 Million Members - Click to learn more

  • We have liftoff! On Friday, October 7, current and former AmeriCorps members shared their stories and took the pledge with an astronaut from the International Space Station!

  • AmeriCorps Reaches One Million Members #1of1Million - Click here to view more


About Us

We are the Corporation for National and Community Service, a federal agency that helps millions of Americans improve the lives of their fellow citizens through service. Working hand in hand with local partners, we tap the ingenuity and can-do spirit of the American people to tackle some of the most pressing challenges facing our nation.

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  • I'm a @Jumpstartkids Americorps member serving at Ellis Memorial Preschool. Happy #ReadfortheRecord from Boston!

From Our Blog

By Talia Schmidt


My AmeriCorps VISTA Leader, Abby Zent.

When I moved to the boonies, which some people call Montana, I worried that I wouldn’t find a group of friends like I’d had in college. I didn’t need best friends; I just wanted a group of young women I could share my ups and downs with, exchange stories with, and help me grow in my year of finding myself.

I never wanted to join AmeriCorps. My mother basically pushed me into it as I was finishing up an internship at Seattle Business Magazine. Jobs in journalism were scarce back in 2009 (ha, they are even scarcer now), and I decided to look into giving back through a year of service.

AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) sounded like an adventure in learning, team building, and creating sustainable communities.

It was all of those things and more. It was refreshing to surround myself with millennials who cared deeply about grassroots activism. It was inspiring to work hard on advocacy campaigns around substance abuse/overdose and teen pregnancy prevention. It was humbling to watch one community talk about the hard stuff and then enact the changes needed to help.

By far, though, the highlight of my year was the friendships I made. Friendships that extend beyond the spending time together realm or camping together under the stars in Butte for the summer folk festival, though those are lovely memories as well. The friendships I’m talking about are the surrogate mothers who took me under their wing, checked in regularly, and shared my successes and challenges during that year.

Friendships like my roommate during my AmeriCorps VISTA year, a local girl my age, who embraced me into her family and town and never let me feel lonely.

Friendships like my AmeriCorps VISTA supervisor, who was always there with advice, a friendly smile, a hug, and a funny story. Though she worked out of Helena and I was in Great Falls, we emailed regularly enough that I felt like I was in the loop in her life, and she in mine. 

By Talia Schmidt

My AmeriCorps VISTA Leader, Abby Zent.

When I moved to the boonies, which some people call Montana, I worried that I wouldn’t find a group of friends like I’d had in...

By Lois Nembhard, Acting Director, Social Innovation Fund


As someone who has had the privilege of working in the Social Innovation Fund, almost since the initiative was announced by First Lady Michelle Obama, its status as a six-year-old program has helped nearly 700,000 people. I am especially proud of two moments this past week.

On Monday, the White House hosted the My Brother’s Keeper “What Works Showcase.” This showcase included a science-fair meets demo-day style event with more than 30 of the nation’s premiere organizations that are applying rigorous evidence of impact across MBK’s cradle-to-college-and-career-goals.

Of those 30+ organizations, 19 are part of the Social Innovation Fund’s network of grantees and sub-grantees.

What unites all of our grantees is a focus on finding what works and making it work for more people. That means mentoring efforts that keep kids engaged and on track to finish school, or other initiatives that help people, including homeless veterans, find new jobs.

In fact, President Obama echoed this What Works philosophy last week in a speech about employing technology to help us address challenges, “We’ve applied data and evidence to social policy, to find out what works, to scale up when it works - and stop funding things that don’t, thereby fostering a new era of social innovation.“

By: Bill Basl, Director of AmeriCorps


They came from every borough in New York City and beyond to dedicate themselves to serving for one year making a positive change in communities throughout New York City. 

What they will bring will vary as many recently completed college and are eager for that first opportunity to experience real world issues and put into place all that learning.  Others have learned much from their varied life experiences and taken the best of those forward to share with others.  Some have just graduated from high school and are eager to see what they can offer and learn before deciding what career to pursue. All come with commitment in their hearts, eager to stand for something.

You see their faces below, representing what America has to offer and what makes America a great nation.  For it’s the “doers” who place into action their energy and enthusiasm and wade into the fray of American life willing to help improve the lives of others.  They aren’t motivated by what they get but rather what they give to others.  Over 400 stood together pledging their willingness to not only “get things done” “but to carry the commitment this year and beyond”.  Wherever they serve in New York, they will be our Ambassadors of Hope-standing for the best values of America when perhaps some have lost faith in themselves and are looking for examples of  someone steeped in selfless service to others.  

You can also serve this year, the year of One Million AmeriCorps members. 

Your face can become part of these faces. It’s your chance to stand for someone other than yourself. It’s your chance to be courageous enough to say with the support of others that we truly can make a difference. Our country has provided us this opportunity to serve.  Let’s go forward as others have done and be about building the more perfect union.

From Our CEO | Wendy Spencer

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By John J Lira, Veterans and Military Families Program Officer The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and the National Veterans...

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President Obama painting wall

Serve Your Community

There are many reasons to serve. Get information on how you can give back to your community.

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Disaster Services Unit on site following a disaster.

Impact Your Nation

The members and volunteers who serve in CNCS programs provide vital assistance to organizations.

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Service members working on housing project.

Build Your Capacity

Through programs and grants, CNCS provides human capital—people power—to help you address emerging needs in your community.

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eGrants is an online system designed to automate the entire grants and project management process from application to closeout.

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The Corporation of National and Community Service provides grants to organizations committed to strengthening their communities through volunteering.

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  • I'm a @Jumpstartkids Americorps member serving at Ellis Memorial...

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Tags: AmeriCorps, VISTA, AmeriCorpsVISTA
Tags: SIF, social innovation fund, Employment, New York, highlight
Tags: New York, AmeriCorps, AmeriCorps VISTA


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