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Stop the Bleed Public Service Announcements

Stop the Bleed LogoYou can save a life! The people in these videos can show you how.  The only thing more tragic than a death is a death that could have been prevented.  Stop the Bleed, Save a Life!

A Perfect Stranger

"A Perfect Stranger" tells the story of Kinneil and Angelia and the event that brought the two women together. It is a powerful reminder that at a moment's notice, any one of us might find ourselves in a situation where we are the help until help arrives. In the end, this film calls on all Americans to remake what it means to be a bystander.

The Cast of 'Code Black' on Stop The Bleed

The cast of 'Code Black' and CBS Cares encourage you to learn how to stop the bleed.

Last Published Date: October 24, 2016

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