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State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Government Coordinating Council

The State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Government Coordinating Council (SLTTGCC) strengthens the sector partnership structure by bringing together geographically diverse experts from a wide range of critical infrastructure disciplines to ensure that state, local, tribal, and territorial officials play an integral role in national critical infrastructure security and resilience efforts.

The primary functions of the SLTTGCC include:

  • Providing senior-level, cross-jurisdictional strategic communications and coordination through partnership with the Department of Homeland Security, the sector-specific agencies, and critical infrastructure owners and operators.
  • Participating in planning efforts related to the development, implementation, update, and revision of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), Sector-Specific Plans (SSP), or aspects thereof.
  • Coordinating strategic issues and issue management resolution among state, local, tribal, and territorial partners and federal departments and agencies.
  • Coordinating with the Department of Homeland Security to support efforts to plan, implement, and execute the nation’s critical infrastructure protection mission.
  • Providing the Department of Homeland Security with information on state, local, tribal, and territorial-level critical infrastructure protection initiatives, activities, and best practices.

Council Membership

The Council maintains a minimum of 24 state, local, tribal, and territorial leaders who have critical infrastructure security and resilience expertise and experience. Additional members may be nominated for inclusion on the SLTTGCC. For information on how to be considered for membership, interested parties should email the SLTTGCC Secretariat at

The SLTTGCC is led by the Executive Committee, consisting of the Chair, Vice-Chair, and the Chairs of the various Council working groups. The current leadership includes:

  • Chair – Jory Maes, Infrastructure Protection Program Manager, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, State of Colorado
  • Vice Chair – Debra (Deb) Winsor, Sergeant, City of Seattle Police Department/Washington State Fusion Center

Working Groups and Chairs

Access Credentialing Working Group

  • Bill Minear, Director, Critical Infrastructure Protection Task Force, National Council Executive Committee, National Guard Military Authority, State of West Virginia

Cybersecurity Working Group

  • Theresa Masse, Chief Information Security Officer, Port of Portland, Oregon

Information Sharing Working Group

  • Shelly Schechter, Director, Division of Community Health and Maternal and Child Health (MCH), Department of Health, Nassau County, New York

IP Gateway Working Group

  • Brian Wright, Assistant Director, Office of Counter Terrorism, Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, State of New York

Partner Engagement Working Group

  • James Battese, Director of Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, Miami Tribe of Oklahoma

Policy and Planning Working Group

  • Curtis Parsons, Homeland Security and Emergency Management Coordinator, Lenawee County, Michigan

Regional Initiatives Working Group

  • Irene Navis, Plans and Operations Coordinator, Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security, Clark County, Nevada Fire Department 

Council Information

Additional Information

For questions or assistance, please e-mail

Last Published Date: June 28, 2016

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