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Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program (P25 CAP)

Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program (P25 CAP)

This graphic indicates identifies eight P25 interfaces, which include the Console Subsystem Interface, the Telephone Interconnect Interface, the Data network Interface, the Inter-RF Subsystem Interface, the Fixed/Base station Interface, the Common Air Inyerface, and the Subscriber Data Peripheral Interface.Emergency responders—police officers, fire personnel, and emergency medical services—must exchange communications seamlessly across disciplines and jurisdictions to successfully respond to incidents and large-scale emergencies. Multiple products and applications from various suppliers support radio communications, but product incompatibilities can compromise emergency response operations.

Project 25 (P25) develops standards for interoperable land mobile radio (LMR) systems so emergency responders can exchange critical communications across agencies and jurisdictions. P25 standardizes interfaces between the various components of the LMR systems emergency responders’ use.

About P25 CAP

Congress legislated the P25 Compliance Assessment Program (P25 CAP) to ensure LMR equipment complies with P25 standards for interoperability across suppliers. The P25 CAP is a partnership of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Office for Interoperability and Compatibility, industry, and the emergency response community. The initial program focus is on the Common Air Interface, which allows for over-the-air compatibility between radios and tower equipment.

The P25 CAP Fact Sheet describes how the P25 CAP works, the value of the program to public safety, and the program’s long-term-goals.

508 Accessibility Requirements Webinar on November 7, 2016

When: Monday, November 7 from 1 - 2:30 pm EST

Description: The Office for Interoperability and Compatibility is hosting this webinar to share 508 accessibility requirements and best practices with P25 Compliance Assessment Program (P25 CAP) stakeholders. The webinar will first have a presentation on how best to submit P25 CAP Summary Test Report (STR) and Supplier’s Declaration of Compliance (SDoC) documentation in accordance with accessibility requirements. The 508 requirements must be met before the STR/SDoC may be posted on the DHS S&T P25 CAP website. After the presentation, an open forum will be available for stakeholders to ask questions. For an accurate participant count, please pre-register for this webinar at

Note: A recording of the webinar will be made available for those who cannot attend the November 7 webinar.

Who: P25 CAP Vendors and Laboratories responsible for writing and formatting STR and SDOC documents.

Dial-in Number: 866-951-1151 Conf ID# 7492054

Day-Of Webinar Link: To join the webinar on Monday, November 7 go to

2016 Reaccreditation & The Future of CAP Testing Webinar on November 8, 2016

When: Tuesday, November 8 from 2:00 - 3:00 pm EST

Description: S&T's Office for Interoperability and Compatibility (OIC) is hosting this webinar to share the latest updates on the Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program (P25 CAP), including upcoming Compliance Assessment Bulletins (CABs). OIC is looking for feedback from the P25 community on how the 2016 CABs are being received and looks to provide a forum for further clarification around these program documents. Further, OIC seeks to obtain stakeholder perspective on a few key programmatic priorities. Attendees can expect the following to be covered during this interactive webinar session: How can we conduct ISSI and CSSI testing when there are no labs? What types of P25 CAP tests will be developed next? When will the next set of CABs be released? When will these new CABs become effective? 

Who: P25 radio equipment manufacturers, P25 CAP recognized lab partners, P25 CAP Accreditation Body partners, and public safety

Dial-in Number: 800-747-5150 Access # 4620342

Webinar Access: / Meeting Password: P25CAP

Program Updates

New 2016 Compliance Assessment Bulletins (CABs) are now available
August 9, 2016 - The new 2016 Compliance Assessment Bulletins (CABs) are now available. The CABs can be found on the P25 CAP Bulletins page, or by selecting “Bulletins” from the left-hand menu. The posting of these CABs initiate a twelve month timeframe in which recognized P25 CAP Labs will need to be re-accredited by designated Accreditation Bodies and equipment will need to be re-tested for P25 CAP Compliance.

Program Resources

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