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Join DHS S&T for a Flood Resilience Facebook Town Hall July 20!

Join DHS S&T for a Flood Resilience Facebook Town Hall July 20!

Flooding is one of the most common disasters in the United States, and regions across the country face flood risks in different ways. In 2015, more deaths and property destruction were caused by floods than any other natural disaster. To Picture of a flooded neighborhood. S&T Facebook Town Hall: Join our conversatoin on S&T's Flood Resilience Dialogue: Building Communicty Resilience #Scitechtownhall Tuesday, july 20 from 1 - 2 p.m. EDT. Face book logo. Find us at address this issue, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) developed the Flood Apex program, which seeks to apply new technologies and solutions to the risks posed by flooding—risks that confront individuals, communities, states, and regions. S&T’s aim is to help reduce deaths and property damage caused by floods, and to increase community flood resiliency.

Connecting with communities is paramount to the success of the Flood Apex program, and our focus for this Facebook Town Hall is individual decision making. Join DHS S&T’s First Responders Group Director, Dan Cotter, on July 20, 2016 to share your perspectives on how S&T and its partners can enhance information sharing (at all levels!) in order to ultimately help individuals recognize and understand flood-related risks, protect life and home, mitigate harm, and recover from flood impacts. More information about specific discussion topics will be posted soon!

The town hall will be held online from 1 to 2 p.m. ET, but the conversation won’t stop there – visit the S&T Collaboration Community or to share your flood stories, share your professional insights on flood mitigation and safety, and tell us more about what information you want when facing the risk of flooding in your community. You can also follow us at @dhsscitech on Twitter for more ways to connect.

Don’t miss this excellent opportunity to learn more about flood resilience and to help shape future flood strategy!

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