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September Facebook Town Hall: Doing Business with S&T: Improving Industry Partnerships

September Facebook Town Hall: Doing Business with S&T: Improving Industry Partnerships

Is your organization looking to better connect with the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (S&T)? Do you have a technology that addresses a homeland security capability gap, but need more information of how best to connect with us? Maybe you’re looking for insight on how to better develop and commercialize a technology for the Homeland Security Enterprise (HSE). Regardless of your status, S&T’s Office of Public-Private Partnerships wants to talk to you.

The S&T Office of Public-Private Partnerships is dedicated to redefining the way S&T does business with industry innovators to find more effective and novel ways to research, develop, and transition new technologies for our customers within the HSE. We know we cannot do this alone, so we’re looking for input on ways we can improve our outreach to ensure that we clearly communicate high-priority needs and requirements. We also welcome feedback on our existing opportunities and tools for traditional and non-traditional partners as we engage with them to discover, connect, develop, and transition technologies.

On September 27, from 1-2 p.m. ET, join the DHS S&T Office of Public-Private Partnerships in a Facebook virtual town hall to learn and discuss how S&T collaborates with industry. This virtual town hall is an opportunity for industry to provide S&T with feedback on how we can improve our partnership and engagement efforts to make it easier and more efficient to work with us. You can also follow us at @dhsscitech on Twitter for more ways to connect. Stay tuned for more details!

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