Software Assurance Marketplace

Software Assurance Marketplace

The Software Assurance Marketplace (SWAMP) is committed to bringing a transformative change to the national software assurance landscape by providing a national marketplace that provides continuous software assurance capabilities to researchers and developers. By providing Software Assurance (SWA) researchers, tool developers, tool users, and educators who train our workforce a suite of secure and dependable analysis services, SWAMP will reduce the number of vulnerabilities deployed in software. Researchers who develop new SWA tools and methodologies will use the repositories and cyber infrastructure offered by the SWAMP to improve their technologies and tools, while software developers and adopters will use the same services to hunt for vulnerabilities in their software. Educators will use these services to offer hands-on experience in SWA techniques to their students. By facilitating the sharing of tools, techniques, information, experiences, and resources, the SWAMP will:

Graphic shows the languages, platforms and tools that are supported by SWAMP

  1. Help advance the quality and adoption rate of SWA tools
  2. Lower the threshold for using them
  3. Make it easier to interpret and use their output

Project Performers

Prime: Morgridge Institute for Research | Sub: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; University of Wisconsin; Indiana University

SWAMP Vision Document


SWAMP Snapshot Article (July 24, 2014)


Program Manager: Kevin Greene

Email: SandT-Cyber-Liaison@HQ.DHS.GOV


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