Leap Ahead Technologies

Leap Ahead Technologies

In January 2008, the Bush Administration established the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative (CNCI) which called for development of “leap-ahead” technologies. In  February 2009, the Obama Administration reviewed the CNCI program and sustained the call for leap ahead R&D to achieve a reliable, resilient, and trustworthy digital infrastructure. The Leap Ahead Technologies project seeks to identify and execute research projects that may significantly advance current capabilities through moderate risk and high-payoff outcomes.


As cyber-attacks and crime are constantly evolving, government and industry face a continuing need to respond to emerging cyber threats.  Leap Ahead is focused on identifying, incubating, and executing early research projects that may significantly advance current capabilities through moderate risk and high-payoff outcomes.  These activities give organizations the ability to quickly shift to and respond to new and potential threats by focusing attention on cutting edge issues that are not currently being addressed. 

Leap Ahead also includes smaller CSD seedling efforts that are selected based on a combination of user and technology insight concerning areas of potential payoff, where the seedling can lead to a full project based in the Leap-Ahead or a different program area. All Leap-Ahead projects include these characteristics: the potential for significant advancement, development/transition in concert with CSD customer organizations, and an ability to fit customer systems, infrastructure and concept of operations.


Email: SandT-Cyber-Liaison@hq.dhs.gov

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