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Jeffrey E. Ellis

Jeffrey E. EllisDeputy Attaché, Homeland Security Investigations, International Operations Division, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Duty Station: Dakar, Senegal

On March 13, 2016, Deputy Attaché Jeffrey Ellis was at a seaside restaurant in Grand Bassam, Cote d’Ivoire while on temporary duty assignment.  Attaché Ellis heard gun shots and helped his U.S. embassy colleagues and two other bystanders evade the assailants. Their escape was impeded by a seven-foot stone wall. Attaché Ellis helped everyone scale the wall and take shelter in a local residence. Attaché Ellis contacted the Marines at the U.S. Embassy in Abidjan and provided situational reports. Over the next two hours, Attaché Ellis monitored the perimeter security, and once rescued by security forces, provided an eyewitness account of the terrorist attack. The next day, he continued with his assignment in Abidjan to provide counterterrorism training.

Last Published Date: May 13, 2016

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