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Contract Specialist Positions - Federal Annuitants

Contract Specialist Positions - Federal Annuitants

Ready to make an impact?  Click here to get startedThe Department of Homeland Security is seeking to reemploy Federal annuitants with contracting experience as Contract Specialists (GS-1102), without discontinuing their retirement annuity and without offset of their annuity from salary. We continue to grow our acquisition mission and workforce in:

  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security,
  • U.S. Coast Guard,
  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection,
  • Transportation Security Administration,
  • Immigrations and Customs Enforcement,
  • U.S. Secret Service, Office of Procurement Operations,
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency, and
  • Federal Law Enforcement Training Center

If you retired from Federal service as a GS-1102 Contract Specialist in the grade range of GS-13 – GS-15, you may qualify to join the Homeland Security procurement team without sacrificing your retirement annuity. You will have the opportunity to serve in limited-term appointments. Many annuitants will have opportunities to serve as mentors for participants in our new Acquisition Professional Career Program. Come join us and help shape the future of Homeland Security acquisition programs as our responsibilities continue to evolve.

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