Chemical Sector Training

The Chemical Sector-Specific Agency (SSA) continues to collaborate with government and sector partners to identify and develop free or low-cost security awareness training and resources that meet the needs of the Chemical Sector.

Web-Based Security Awareness Training

The Department of Homeland Security has developed a series of Web-based Security Awareness training courses to train and educate the critical infrastructure community, including the Chemical Sector. The courses provide guidance on:

Visit Critical Infrastructure Training to see the wide array of training programs offered to government and private sector partners.

Security Seminars & Exercises for Chemical Industry Stakeholders

To improve the security and resilience of the chemical industry, the Chemical Sector-Specific Agency supports requests from chemical industry councils, associations, and emergency management agencies for presentations, training, exhibits, and exercises. The Sector-Specific Agency solicits appropriate subject matter experts and regional representatives throughout the Department of Homeland Security National Protection and Programs Directorate's Office of Infrastructure Protection and other agencies. Department representatives can provide presentations and tabletop exercises on a variety of topics, including active shooter, vehicle-borne improvise explosive devices, and cybersecurity. Participation in events is subject to budget and travel restrictions.

Counter-Improvised Explosive Device (IED) Training and Awareness

The Office of Bombing Prevention (OBP) develops tools to improve national preparedness for bombing threats at all levels of government, the public, and within the private sector. Course options include bombing prevention workshops, soft target awareness, and surveillance detection.  Please see the Counter-IED Training & Awareness fact sheet for additional information.

Critical Infrastructure Learning Series

The Critical Infrastructure Learning Series allows the Department to provide web-based seminars on current and emerging critical infrastructure topics, tools, trends, issues, and best practices for critical infrastructure owners and operators, government entities, and other partners.

Find Additional Training Opportunities

The Department of Homeland Security offers a variety of training opportunities for DHS personnel, partners and citizens, including home and business owners.

Exercise Planning

Protection and Resilience Toolkit for local and regional critical infrastructure owners and operators.


For more information on trainings and tools, please send an e-mail to

Last Published Date: January 8, 2016

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