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Community Recovery Management Toolkit

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The Community Recovery Management Toolkit is a compilation of guidance, case studies, tools, and training to assist local communities in managing long-term recovery following a disaster. The materials provided in this toolkit are aimed at providing guidance and resources to help local officials and community leaders to lead, organize, plan for, and manage the complex issues of post-disaster recovery.

Resources for Local Leaders of Recovery

The Community Planning and Capacity Building Recovery Support Function (CPCB RSF) coordinates among its partners to identify resources to assist local communities in recovery efforts. The Community Recovery Management Toolkit provides resources to support a variety of activities that communities will undertake during long-term recovery.

Part 1: Organization

This section provides resources for quickly organizing among local leadership and stakeholders, and engaging and communicating with the public.

  • Community Recovery Leadership
  • Community Engagement and Public Communications
  • Organizing and Coordinating among Local Government and Stakeholders

Part 2. Recovery Planning

These resources assist communities in assessing local needs in recovery, carrying out a recovery planning process, and determining projects to support the community’s future vision and priorities.

  • Assessments, Data, and Studies
  • How to Plan
  • Integrating Mitigation into Recovery
  • Integrating Sustainability into Recovery
  • Example Plans
  • Decision-Making and Project Evaluation

Part 3. Managing Recovery

These resources will assist local leadership in managing staffing and financing, and leveraging resources to support recovery strategy implementation.

  • Local Disaster Recovery Management Operations
  • Partnerships and Resource Leveraging
  • Managing Grants and Financing
  • List of Financial Resources

Core Capability Specific Resources

This section includes links to additional toolkits, training, and other information to assist in the recovery process.

  • Sector Specific Resources
    • Economic
    • Housing
    • Natural and Cultural Resources
    • Infrastructures
    • Health and Human Services


Last Updated: 
11/02/2016 - 08:14