Disaster Resources for Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Disaster Resources for Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Program Description

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) website has helpful emergency preparedness resources for older adults and people with disabilities. You can also find resources for families, caregivers, and service providers related to aging and disabilities.

General Program Requirements

The focus of the Emergency Preparedness page is on older adults and people with disabilities, but is open to anyone. You’ll find best practices and resources for individuals, service providers, and communities. Anyone can learn how to prepare ahead and care for those with special needs during a crisis.

Application Process

The ACL website is free and open to anyone who wants to learn more.

Visit the ACL Programs & Activities page read about the different programs we offer.

Program Contact Information

Please visit the ACL website for news and information, or to find local resources.

To find local eldercare resources:

To find contacts for your local office:

Or email us:

Last Updated: 10/26/2016