Wildland Urban Interface: Fire-Adapted Communities R0614

Delivery type 6-Day On-Campus
ACE recommendation In the lower division baccalaureate/associate degree category, three semester hours in fire science, fire prevention, or public policy.
CEU’s 3.8
Student pre-course materials and course syllabus

http://nfa.usfa.fema.gov/ax/pcm/pcm_r0614.pdf PDF http://nfa.usfa.fema.gov/ax/pcm/pcm_r0614.pdf?.fileSize,

http://nfa.usfa.fema.gov/ax/syll/syllabus_r0614.pdf PDF http://nfa.usfa.fema.gov/ax/syll/syllabus_r0614.pdf?.fileSize,

Training Specialist

Woody Stratton

Upcoming offerings

November 27, 2016 - December 2, 2016 | December 11 - 16, 2016 | March 5 - 10, 2017 | View more

Course description

This is a six-day course for people who have organizational responsibility for wildland urban interface (WUI) risk-reduction operations in their agency or jurisdiction. The course will provide students with the ability to create and sustain a fire-adapted community (FAC) located within a WUI.

Course outcomes will include:

• Develop a local community coalition to address the WUI and create FACs.

• Create a Community Wildfire Protection Plan.

• Facilitate partnerships, improve networking and enhance resource allocation abilities that address WUI fire risks/issues.

• Prefire communication and planning between government agencies, local jurisdictions and the community at large is essential in creating an FAC.

• Improve quality of life and vitality within the local community.

Selection criteria

This course is for those who have organizational responsibility for WUI risk-reduction operations in their agency or jurisdiction. Open to federal, tribal, state and local government officials including fire and emergency services, state and municipal planners, forestry management, environmental specialists, community risk-reduction specialists, and public educators.

Note: Local jurisdictions are encouraged to submit applications for community risk reduction teams (limited to five persons) to include positions such as land-use planners, forest planners, natural resource managers, WUI coordinators, public information officers, fire department wildfire representatives.
Priority selection will be given for up to three teams (of five) per course offering. Applications must be submitted together, be approved, and be signed by the head of a sponsoring organization, with a cover letter indicating that they are applying as a team.


Incident Command System (ICS)-100-level and ICS-200-level training. Preferred courses are Q0462 and Q0463, available through NFA Online at www.usfa.fema.gov/training/nfa/courses/online.html. Chief’s signature attests that the applicant has completed this required training.

Upcoming offerings

Dates Availability Location Contact(s) CCP
Apply NEW November 27, 2016 - December 2, 2016 Vacancies Emmitsburg, Maryland
December 11 - 16, 2016 Cancelled Emmitsburg, Maryland
Apply March 5 - 10, 2017 Vacancies Emmitsburg, Maryland
Post-course requirements None