Effective Leadership Skills for Fire and EMS Organizations R0332

Delivery type 10-Day On-Campus
ACE recommendation In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, four semester hours in fire service administration.
CEU’s 5.8
Student pre-course materials and course syllabus

http://nfa.usfa.fema.gov/ax/pcm/pcm_r0332.pdf PDF http://nfa.usfa.fema.gov/ax/pcm/pcm_r0332.pdf?.fileSize,

Training Specialist

Kevin Brame

Course description

This 10-day course is designed to prepare fire/Emergency Medical Services managers to work more effectively with other personnel in their organizations. Participants begin with a critical self-assessment of their individual managerial strengths and weaknesses, which results in a specific plan for their own professional and personal development. Techniques for creating effective organizational environments are defined. Components of a successful human resource development plan are examined.

Course units include managerial style, stress management, conflict resolution, time management, counseling, communications, group dynamics, and human resource development.

Selection criteria

• Individuals presently assigned to management positions, e.g., chief officers who supervise Company Officers (COs).

• Individuals presently assigned to top-level management positions with limited training.

• COs who are upwardly mobile within their organizations, and whose chiefs of department wish to prepare them for increased managerial responsibility.

• Administrative officers responsible for significant staff functions within the organization, and who report directly to top management.


Incident Command System (ICS)-100-level and ICS-200-level training. Preferred courses are Q0462 and Q0463, available through NFA Online at www.usfa.fema.gov/training/nfa/courses/online.html. Chief’s signature attests that the applicant has completed this required training.
Post-course requirements None
Comments Best course I have ever had. It will make me a better communicator...This is my thirteenth time at the NFA and is definitely the most valuable course I have taken...This course has enabled me to use many tools and resources to make myself a better leader in the fire service.