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You may have heard about an internet security weakness uncovered in April 2014, known as Heartbleed, impacting some websites. There is no indication that Heartbleed has been used against or that any personal information has ever been at risk. However, we reset passwords last year out of an abundance of caution to ensure the protection of your information.

Admin Services on Hold

The FloodSmart Agent Referral Program is temporarily suspended. At this time, no date for resumption of services has been identified. As a result, no new registrations will be processed. If you are currently a Referral Agent, you can update your profile information but renewed training submissions will not be processed. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your interest in the program.


Training Rejected

We have reviewed your submission and our records show you have not submitted the required proof of recent flood insurance training to complete your registration in the Agent Referral Program.

Registered FloodSmart referral agents must have completed two hours of flood insurance training within the past two years. Please upload, email, or fax us a copy of your most recent flood insurance training certificate showing:

  • Your name
  • Name of the course
  • Date you completed the course
  • Length of course

Once we have verified your documentation, your profile will be activated.


Speak Flood.

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from the Palm of Your Hand

Make sure you and your clients download FEMA’s app for tips, weather alerts,
custom emergency kit how-tos, and more.

Get FloodSavvy

Protect your clients. Build your business.

Learn to speak flood.

Get FloodSavvy.

Click Here to Meet Max Flood.

The Most Common
Natural Disaster

Floods can occur almost anywhere at any time.

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Marketing and Selling
Flood Insurance

A step-by-step action plan focused on your success.

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Protect Your Clients

Why Sell Flood Insurance?

Selling flood insurance builds (and protects) your business—and is smart for you and your customers.

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Become a FloodSmart Agent

Register online to get free qualified leads and access to marketing and advertising tools to help you sell.

Stay Informed

News You Can Use

Get up to speed on program changes and available FloodSmart resources such as testimonial videos, fact sheets, brochures, and more in the Resource Library.

Recent rainstorms have caused flooding in and around the Gulf Coast. Make sure you're ready to help your clients through the claims process.

Coverage for 7,300 GFIP Certificate holders in New York and New Jersey expired on December 29, 2015. Use this letter to contact prospective clients and ensure they're covered.

Make sure you and your clients are ready before the storm hits.

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