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DHS OIG can only accept UNCLASSIFIED complaints on this website.

To submit a classified complaint, contact our toll free Hotline for further information:


Report Corruption, Fraud, Waste, Abuse, Mismanagement or Misconduct

  What is the DHS OIG Hotline?


The Office of Inspector General (OIG) Hotline is a resource for Federal employees and the public to report allegations of employee corruption, civil rights and civil liberties abuses, program fraud and financial crimes, and miscellaneous criminal and non-criminal activity associated with waste, abuse or fraud affecting the programs and operations of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). 


What should I report?


  • Employee Corruption involving bribery, embezzlement, espionage and smuggling;


  • DHS Program Fraud / Financial Crimes involving blackmail, contract fraud, grant fraud, immigration fraud and program theft;


  • Civil rights or civil liberties abuses involving custodial deaths, denial of rights, profiling and use of force concerns;


  • Criminal and non-criminal misconduct within DHS involving abuse and violence, child pornography, unauthorized use of DHS Information Technology systems, suspicious activity, ethics violations, and prohibited personnel practices such as Whistleblower retaliation.


Why should I contact the OIG?

All Americans have a stake in the success and effectiveness of DHS and DHS employees are required to report alleged wrongdoing. OIG also protects reporting DHS employees from becoming victims of retaliation. For more information, please refer to our Whistleblower Resources.


What should my report include?


Give as much information as possible (i.e., names of alleged offenders, victims, witnesses, etc., and leads on any applicable data, documentation or other evidence).   


 How can I report an allegation?



Allegation Form (Recommended)


1-800-323-8603 toll free


1-844-889-4357 toll free 



U.S. Mail:

DHS Office of Inspector General/MAIL STOP 0305

Attn: Office of Investigations - Hotline

245 Murray Lane SW

Washington, DC 20528-0305