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We Are DHS

The Department of Homeland Security ensures that our Nation and its people are safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards.

Last week, more than 2,600 personnel from the Department of Homeland Security ensured the safety and security of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. They started their work only hours after completing the same task at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

The U.S. Coast Guard rescued 46 people after their ship sank off the coast of Alaska. U.S. Customs and Border Protection arrested suspected human smugglers off the coast of Florida.  NPPD took the lead on developing a new National Cyber Incident Response Plan for cyberattacks. TSA discovered 74 firearms in carry-on bags. And USCIS naturalized hundreds of new citizens. 

And that was just last week.

Every single day, across the country and around the world, the dedicated men and women of the Department of Homeland Security keep our nation secure, and our people safe.

Whether they’re protecting our borders, ensuring our cybersecurity, preventing terrorist attacks, or enforcing our immigration laws: the incredible work the 229,000 employees of DHS do each day is not always recognized, but it is always vital.

We celebrate our accomplishments. We honor our personnel. And we continue to do what is hard, in order to keep our nation safe. That’s all in a day at DHS.

With honor and integrity, we will safeguard the American people, our homeland, and our values.

A text transcript of this video is provided in lieu of an audio description.

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