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“If the research hadn’t continued, I wouldn’t be here today.” —Gavin writing to President Obama about his battle with cancer. Read his full letter at
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Very nice Gavin' I wish you get well wishes. Take care buddy.
Now I'd like to see any one of the religious right look that boy in the eyes and tell him he should have died because of their own personal beliefs that stem cell research is "immoral" and goes against god. 
Good show, Obama?
Congratulations Gavin, you're a badass little dude!
+The Birms​, meet +Brian Wood​ for an example of overly dramatic. My point was that there are those who want to take things to the extreme and have an outright ban on stem cell research. Usually from those preaching the word of god. 
Stem cells are usually collected from placentas. Although they can also make some from your own fat. It's a fascinating field of study.
By thee knowledge of our Heavenly Father which lives inside us by the Holy Spirit. He grants us this knowledge to Live on for thee Work of the Gospel can be done, Faith is with those who Believe the whole truth of Jesus Christ for the father of Jesus Christ sent His only Son to Save.

In the name of Jesus Christ amen
May the Federal Government recognize the church and a knowledge to our Heavenly Father gives us.
+Scott Tanaka So killing millions each year is okay, so long as one 14 year old boy was saved? Ignoring the fact that there are other ways of obtaining stem cells of course.
. What a wonderful letter.
In the end science wins, superstition loses. 'Cause science deals with facts while superstition deals with lies.
your a moron. take your religious 14th century self and get a life.
Am I the only one whose only issue is the fact that the kid is 15 and can't spell "hadn't"?

Obama, please put more funding into education.
+Scott Tanaka and there are those who look for any excuse to justify the murder of the unborn. 
+Brian Wood - One of the problems with this issue is the misconception that embryonic stem cells are the product of "murdered babies" . While political operatives started the issue as tied to abortion, nothing could be further from the truth. Unfortunately, emotions, misinformation, and shameful distortions of the truth delayed the development of research while costing an undetermined number of lives.
Those who have a pro-life position and oppose stem cell research have, for the most part, been victimized by those with a political agenda that has nothing to do with the truth!
+Jeremy Ellwood -There are some legitimate fears, but it's the ignorance of the research and the misconceptions that cloud honest discussion. Anti-science mindsets of many of the "religious right" precludes any rational fact based discussion. 
+Brian Wood So what people still going to have abortions we might as well use it. Even if they cut Planned Parenthood because people pay for most abortions. 
St D
cure abrahamic spectrum disorders.
+Jeremy Ellwood these racist liberals aren't pro-choice on anything but killing poor mostly black and brown babies.

Choice on where to send your kids to school or most anything else, they oppose freedom. 
+Terrance Franklin do what, people ate going to commit murder why can't we harvest your dead body for spare parts - in fact, we can set up clinics were people can bring you to murder you and we'll help them his the crimes.

Such a great idea democrats. 
K, +Brian Wood . Whatever you say, hypocrite.
Perhaps if you did some research instead of listening to some bogus "news" organization, you might learn to think for yourself...

But hey... I guess the world needs sheep. Might as well be you.
As the saying goes, "If you don't like abortion, don't have one."   Since most of the critics posting in this thread are men, like me, this is a personal decision they'll never have to confront.

The women who have abortions give consent to donations of fetal tissue. The fees paid cover the cost of preserving the tissue for research --the women having the abortion should not pay for that, any more than an organ donor should have to pay for the cost of their donations.  

It seems the opponents of abortion are upset that any research or medical advances could come from this.  The letter shows the impact research can have on the lives of us all going forward.  Thanks for sharing the letter. 
+Brian Wood I rather a mother with a unwanted baby have a abortion rather then he grow up unwanted a hate life and take people lives because he never felt loved.
No Abortions, Try Adoptions!!! Save a life!!!!
That same research helped my mom as well.. because of stem cell research my mom is still here living and breathing. 
These pro-birthers are sick, twisted, arrogant, self-righteous, power-hungry, manipulative hypocritical, nosey, and down-right mean spirited individuals. Nothing anyone with an even SLIGHT semblance of human decency will convince them how oppressive they're actually being.

Oh... and it should be noted... these are the assholes that CLAIM to want smaller gov't.
You know... smaller in that they want everyone who is different than them to have no rights and want to make laws banning anything they, themselves don't believe in.
You know.. smaller government.
Zero babies are killed for stem cells. Would you feel better if the stem cells were just wasted instead of used to save lives? Doesn't sound very pro-life to me...
Ummm... Seriously? Oy Vey. So many onions being chopped over here near my keyboard. Oy, THE FEELS. 
+Jeremy Ellwood sure sure you fucktards think you know everything and yet you can't figure out when a new life begins.

Go back to fucking your sheep - leave thinking to those with a brain. 
+Stephen McCallister ah, so if you don't want your children raped don't rape them? But dint you DARE try and prevent others who might want that. Liberals and what passes for their logic.

So, if your wife/girlfriend got pregnant with your child, you of course wouldn't give a fuck what happened until it was actually born (if then), right?

I have a problem with harvesting humans. If you support such - join the Nazis they share your morals.
THERE it is!

THERE'S the Godwin's law!!

The sign of someone losing an argument... they invoke Godwin's Law.
+Terrance Franklin​ you would rather. How nice. Wonder if the child would prefer to be pulled apart?

Hey, let's do that with you and then you can tell us while it happens if you still support it. Mkay?

BTW, I know a few people who were adopted - none of them I've met felt unloved or run around taking people's lives. Is that the way you feel? If so maybe you should seek help. 
+Jermaine Evans so, 60 million murdered children and your mom was saved. I'm glad you think that is a fair trade. 
+Jeremy Ellwood you support murdering small children and believe that others are sick?

Do you watch abortion films while you masterbate?
Nah.  I read English books while I masturbate. That's how I know how to spell "masturbate."
Encouraging letter for more research. What a brave child.
+Jeremy Ellwood actually, when your policies reflect the same exact eugenics programs that Hitler supported (see the founder of planed parenthood) and when you use the same "not human" defense to commit atrocities - it's kind of hard to avoid the comparison. 
+Jeremy Ellwood ah, a typo - as a spelling nazi you probably consider that a win.

There their they're. 
+Chris Silvey
If you haven't notice, many 15 year olds on Facebook post nothing but pics of themselves. And as a ex military photographer/darkroom tech, the pics appear to be the same guy to my eye. :)
+Tomas Wahl
Thy knowledge and usage  of "King James English, and thy knowledge of Bronze Age abortion  practices are both within the realm of stupid. Abortion was never prohibited by bronze age decision makers. (the 10 commandments  comes to mind)  or any where else in biblical law.                                              Abortions by herbal, or other means were pretty common in biblical times for a variety of reasons, sort of like today.  Economic issues, health issues, or just matters of choice.                                                                                       Reproductive issues were considered to be a woman`s domain,  (Her body, her choice) and therefore were beneath the notice of  the laws of men.  When men of the bronze age owned women, they felt no need to exert control over her reproduction.                     It was only  in the modern age,  after women started being granted rights outside of the control of men,   that reproductive rights of women became an issue   Tiny little men with giant egos felt the need to exert some sort of control over women.  Naturally the easiest way to control women is by forcing them to give birth against their her will.
+Brian Wood​​ fetus won't feel the pain most don't people remember anything until they're about three. If you consider a fetus as people why don't we do what they do in some other countries you first birthday when your three months.
+Brian Wood it's so unfortunate for those babies, you act as if we told those parents to do what they did... I see your one of those people who don't believe in second chances.. I wonder have you ever seen one if your parents suffer and die from cancer?.. have you seen what it does to the body?? My father died from berkitts cancer... diagnosed October and was gone in February.. you don't know the struggle... you don't know what it is like seeing watching one of your parents die practically in front of you.... as a son I will do ANYTHING to help my family... until you know that kind of pain.. you will never understand the benefits of stem cell research.
+Sami Tabla Ok, wasn't sure, but I did find 2 profiles, some sharing a couple of the same pics. This was the first one I found -  just pics, nothing in about, no friends, basically blank.  Then one more active -

Other than this the kid doesn't have much of a footprint on the internet.

So he is real as far as I can tell, but of course I expect this case to be used like a poster child for Planned Parenthood salvaging parts for stemcell research.

IE a Political move.

As ex Army MI, It is my nature to question.  
+The Dolly Llama Meh, the only people I know who have a problem with stem cell research are those whose problem attend from the kind which is obtained from embryos/fetuses. Your assertion of the straw man fallacy could apply at least as equally to him, yet you didn't call him out in it, did you?

+Terrance Franklin​ So, since fetuses don't feel pain, and infants don't remember anything until they're three, are you advocating for a mother to be able to kill her two year old child? Otherwise, I don't understand why you brought that up. Finally, just because a person is unable to del pain, does that then mean they can be killed? What about amnesiacs?
+Shane Robinson if you can't remember pain until your three your brain not develop until at least 6 months. You have at most three month for you to get a abortion. Unless its life threatening.
+wisteria lane I see that you ignore science and ascribe the worst motives to your opponents without cause. I would expect that out of a vile, evil person who whores herself out to anyone who have her.

Fetuses are human. They are alive. These are facts. That you are a soulless sociopath can be the only explanation for why you believe as you do.
+Terrance Franklin The human brain isn't fully developed into their 20's. Should killing teens be legal?

Whether a child is unable to feel pain or remember is irrelevant. You ignore certain scientific facts. Fetuses are human. They meet the definition of life. Any argument you may have about their capability is irrelevant. I would think a black person would be sensitive to defining others as less than human. For many years, slavery in the States was justified on that claim.
"old young man" telling commentary from a diseased child
I bet that if this people that oppose stem cell research themselves or a close member of their family contracts cancer, they wouldn't be so concern about the origen of the cure even if it came from stem cell research.
I remember back when Reagan used to be president, he was opposed to direct funds to SC research. But later on when he was diagnosed with allzaimers, Nancy was all for the SC Research hoping that they will cure her husband's illness.

+Cristobal colon it is remarkable how people's morals change when its their ass or a love ones ass on the line.

Give credit where it's necessary Gavin God bless you 
I donated stem cells to a 35 year old father from Finland with leukemia.   A year later, he's still alive.  Best part, no one was aborted in the process.  There is a difference between stem cell research and fetal stem cell research.  No one wants to end stem cell research.
+Shane Robinson have ever met a person who wish they mother had a abortion because his life that messed up I have I new somebody grew up in the system I felt bad for him. If the mother knew his life was going to be that bad I can't blame her for having a abortion. Your just thinking about how you feel not what the mother feel are what that child will feel growing up.
Doesn't justify the murder of babies. Traitor 
This is called "equivocation."  Showing a case where someone is healed as a result of a therapy derived from the use of ADULT stem cells, but you only mention "stem cells."  When it is assumed that you mean "embryonic stem cells," you just smile and nod, even though embryonic stem cell research has, as yet, yielded zero life-saving therapies.  There are myriad cases of adult stem cell research saving lives.  There are zero cases of embryonic stem cell research saving lives.  It certainly appears that the only reason you would want to continue ESCR is because you want to kill more human embryos.
Excellent/concrete encouragement ! = Keep doing a fine work.
High Tech & Science are logically the Furture.
+KeViN KiNg​, you approve of murdering unborn babies to save your own life? It is like saying "Why don't you just kill yourself and let others live?" 
+Terrance Franklin ah, so if you have a spinal cord injury we could pull you apart and murder you because you wouldn't feel pain.

Does it matter what numbering system is used? Really? So if they started counting at conception you would instantly object to abortions? 
A fetus starts developing pain receptors at 8 weeks. So when they are so brutally aborted, they feel that pain and suffering.
This is one of many contributions of President's Obama, domestically and internationally....! making a difference...
May Allah reward you and bestow mercy upon humanity   ✨
+Brian Wood​ Brian. Take a breather. Stem cells are gathered from the umbilical cord of live births. This is where most stem cells originate that are used in research. Get off the baby killing cycle. 
Here's the logical conclusion of life begins at conception:
Everybody sing!

Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great!
If a sperm is wasted, God get quite irate!

Thanks be to Monty Python. In the holy name of John Cleese we pray, Amen!
+Diane Stoddard no, that is one source. Embryonic stem cells DO use a murdered child. Which is what the pro-murder crowd uses as justification for abortion. 
+Arnoldo Bertoncini ah, so you are either a liar or stupid.

Sperm isn't a new human, it is 1/2 of the genetics needed. Also needed is an egg, which had the other half.

What part of fertilization are you not smart enough to understand? 
Some of us printed like this at 8 years old. But hey its progress, right?
+Ted Jansen
  Check THIS out buddy
Obama claims to have gotten a letter fro 53 pastors in support of climate change er I mean the Iran deal...Only a few problems...I have been running down the "pastor" support list and they are all JUST LIKE THIS ONE...ALL support the religious left ideas:

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) welcomes the creation of national standards to reduce carbon pollution and mitigate climate change.  Such limits are essential to the health and welfare of all people, especially the most vulnerable, and to the wellbeing of our common home.

Climate is a common good given to all and meant for all. Each of us has a responsibility to cooperate with God to protect our common home and to care for all of creation.

  Since when are we permitted to discuss politics in Church since Obama was elected..?

  Here's these hypocrites having Obama IN THE CHURCH for his pow wow...

  If we did that,we'd get arrested...
+Veronica Muring -Stem cells are "undifferentiated" cells. All cells have the ability to become any part or organ before they differentiate. While we don't know what makes cells differentiate into specific organs or tissues we do have a number of methods that produce specific types of cells from stem cells.
The most abundant source of stem cells is from embryonic sources (undeveloped cells that are only blastula (small groups of cells with no shape or form). These cells are not the products of abortion, and most often would be destroyed or left to linger in cryogenic storage indefinitely. The facts is that embryonic stem cells are not babies, they are fertilized eggs that are at earliest stages of their development, often the product of invitro process and frozen when they are no more than a few cells.
Hope this helps. 
+Charles Grimmett​ once fertilized, they have a unique DNA. They are as much human as you are. Maybe more, I doubt they would decide to murder you. 
Pelo que pude entender via tradudor  desejo melhoras ao mesmo de todo o meu coração.
De. Niterói/ RJ - Brasil
+Brian Wood - You are not aware of the process or the reality that:
1) The cells chosen will never grow to maturity.
2)The argument you make has been rejected by all but the most extreme ideologs, courts have decided against this type of claim.
3)While the cells are as human as I am, they are incapable of becoming an individual.
While I can respect your right to your beliefs, and find your selective choice of support for human life to be hypocritical. Murder is the active choice to take life. The life of stem cells is not taken, it is used to continue life. Stem cells used in this research are kept alive where they otherwise would die or be destroyed. The fact is that without this research they would die. The cells chosen for this research are incapable of becoming whole individuals! Human DNA does not mean that you have a human being. A skin graph has more cells than those used for stem cell research. They are grown and cultured the same way, but would you claim that using skin graphs is destroying human life?
One more question; does your defense of life extend to living humans? Are you as ferociously against the death penalty? 
+Charles Grimmett​ yes, I realize that humans are being created in a lab just to be destroyed - a high-tech version of the nazi experimenting on Jews because they weren't really people.

Courts held that blacks weren't people either. Only the extremists thought that blacks should be considered people.

No, if a fertilized egg were implanted in a womb it would likely grow, just like artificial insemination works today.

You ignorant fucktards throw out that lie frequently. Where, exactly, do you see my hypocrisy concerning life? I see yours, you think it's fine to kill others but would never want to be murdered - so please, explain your liberal "logic" to me.

The stem cells are harvested from a unique human life. It would be no different than my murdering you because I needed your kidney or your blood.

Yes, a fertilized egg is a human life. Murder is the active choice to end that life. Destroying the eggs of an eagle are protected, so should human fertilized eggs. How liberal fucktards can care more about a dead lion or a delta smelt than they do for millions of dead babies boggles the mind.

And yes, I oppose the death penalty - on the grounds that it takes a possibly innocent life.

So, do you think the penalty for spitting on the sidewalks should be death? Do you support the death penalty for children that don't clean their rooms? Just how cavalier are you with human life? 
I love President Obama! He embodies our potential. He inspires love & respect.......,in a reasonable man. This world unfortunately doesn't seem to be safely in the hands of reasonable men/women. Donald Trump on the other hand......, I hate to say it but I'm starting to like him. He strikes me as an unreasonable man. Unreasonable men have retard strength! Retard Strength goes a long way in this world(Vladimir Putin). They often get what they want because they inspire FEAR! The only thing an UNreasonable man respects......,NOTHING! THIS is America! We have great potential! We also have Heartless Soulles Greedy White RETARD STRENGTH(HIROSHIMA!)!;)
+Wyatt Matta​ whatever drugs you are smoking / snorting / shooting up or swallowing, you've exceeded the boundaries of rational thought, if you were ever capable of such.
Praise the Lord every!!!! Praise His Holy & Righteous name
Life is always a beautiful thing.
+Brian Wood I'm grown now its to late. Who are to tell woman what's she want to do with her body your not going to help take care the baby. So you should stay out her business.
This is the reason why this research is so important. Life....the life of a little boy that was saved due to advancements in this research. If the Israelis are the leaders in stem cell funding and research then why can't the U.S. take the top spot. The republicans who oppose stem cell research state, we have to "Stand with Israel" no matter what. Then why can't we stand with them on this issue. 
+Terrance Franklin​ so what if you're grown? From the moment some unfortunate sperm fertilized that egg - your DNA hasn't changed. Kill you then or kill you now - no difference.

Ah, so how can you tell a woman that she can't use her body to kill you?

And who said I wasn't going to take care of the children? Besides supporting charities with my money, I have 2 girls now that are not biologically mine.

Maybe you should just kill yourself - they might could use your parts for something. Hell, study your brain to find out how to prevent libtardism.
+Brian Wood in a perfect world every child will be taken care of but we don't live a perfect world we live in real life where things happen that isn't always right bad things happen hard decision have to be made. Charities not going to take care of everybody. 
+Terrance Franklin​ ah, so because the world isn't perfect, we should just murder 60 million children?

Why stop there? Why not just murder anyone who isn't providing for themselves? Maybe start with the old, the infirm, etc. Go on to those who have health problems, maybe those on welfare.

Eventually, if you can't find a job in 30 days, off with your head.

Sure that would solve things - since we don't live in a perfect world.
+Brian Wood​ 60 million unwanted babies would be a lot of money spent in the foster care system would you think
  But WHY was there 60 million unwanted babies..?..Who made that ok..?..In Bin Laden's one papers he was mad at the U.S. about killing our own babies...Our own babies,why would moslems care if Americans killed their own babies when they don't believe in the God the way God said to in the first place but how THEY SAW IT..?

  Who made it ok for PP to kill babies in 1973 and yet half way around the world multiple wives and 10-15 kid families are the norm..?

  The Conspiracy within the US Gov't started back in the 70's maybe before...
Wow! What a story by Gavin, what a kid. I love stories like this, because there is so much more too it than cancer. There are so many stories from all ends of the matter, you are a great young man Gavin, take care and bless.

William J. Wagner
+KeViN KiNg​, I'm confused on your logic...dick, now ignorance. You know the type of people that use those very same words to defy life and to confuse the people? Muslims. 
+Bill Lively​, very interesting. In a book called "Bonhoeffer pastor, martyr, prophet, spy" by Eric Metaxas shows the very same play. It showed how the "churches" followed the agendas of Hitler to be kept from the destruction of their own lives. But they were all fooled because a few years later war broke out and the rounding up of people (lbgt, educators, resistance of any type, and Jews) were sent to death camps. Here, stem cell research is just using science to learn more. But at the expense of live human beings that probably had no involvements of incest or rape but either unplanned, one night romp, or just plain promiscuous. Either way, death is becoming to familiar and not respected for its ultimate demise. Obama and his crew either knowingly or clueless to enhance their careers are traitors to what freedom and liberty is.
+Brian Wood​​ they do just commit a bad crime and have a shity lawyer your dead. Private prison make more money if you have life anyway
+KeViN KiNg
  Why not try adding to the conversation instead of attacking...hmmm
  I could have attacked you again for attacking Ted again...But,I chose a more reasonable dialog...

  It's up to you,I'd rather live in peace..?
+Brian Wood really a bad check is a bad crime. First degree murder is a bad crime. Not always worthy of a death sentence but with a bad lawyer it can. Do you notice the states that's against abortion are states that support the death penalty. Like Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and others.
+Terrance Franklin

Let's break this down into 4 pairs.

1) no abortion / no death penalty - all life is sacred. I can understand this.

2) no abortion / yes on death penalty. I can understand, only kill those who commit terrible crimes.

3) yes on abortion / yes on death penalty. Life is meaningless, kill whoever. I can almost understand that mentality.

4) yes on abortion / no on death penalty. What the fuck? Kill those who are innocent and protect the guilty? Really? That I really don't understand. Where's the logic?

Can you explain this? I'm guessing you are in category 4.
+Brian Wood
I am against abortions! But we are not able to stop it without getting the Supreme Court to overturn Roe vs. Wade. In the meantime why not take something bad and make something good out of it like stem cell research to help save lives?
+Dixie Sanders ok, instead of trying to find the good in slavery or Hitler's experimenting on Jews, why not work to stop the Holocaust?

Push for an amendment that recognizes personhood at the moment of conception. 
A wonderful letter!  Thank goodness Barack Obama is the leader of the United States of America!  Unlike socially-inept, hate-mongering, and incompetent Republicans stinking up Capitol Hill and the campaign trail, Mr. Obama and his Administration continue to work very hard to find appropriate and effective solutions to the many difficult, highly-complicated domestic and international matters of the moment!  This American President has achieved A HUGE AMOUNT in six-and-a-half years for the present and future well-being of fellow American men, women, and children, including expansion of access to and funding for promising, potentially LIFE-SAVING stem-cell research!  Mr. Obama aims to accomplish MUCH more by the beginning of 2017!  It is up to US; myself, Democratic supporters who participated during Election 2014 nine months ago, and Democratic supporters who did not, to HELP the President in any way possible throughout the next seventeen months!
+Brian Wood A persistent false equivalency is imbeded in your argument. Embryonic stem cells are not necessarily the products of abortion.
While you can make a reasonable argument regarding your view of the inception of human life, your view is respected me yet rejected as both lacking in law and ethical balance.
So I chose to agree to disagree with you. I do so in full respect and just as strong in disagreement.
+Brian Wood have you ever met a killer I know a lot of them. Most of them are born in broken homes with no love that's creates the anger that motivated them to kill. If a mother knows that's the environment that child going to grow up in it should be her choice. Unless they're mentality insane.
+Charles Grimmett no, some people are created in a lab simply to be harvested for parts. Does that make it any better? It's still creating and then destroying a life.

Yes, you choose to support murder. Same as some people supported slavery and some supported experimenting on Jews.

I just think you are on the wrong side on the issues of life. 
+Terrance Franklin​ not going to play the obvious racial stereotype - but yes, I've known a few people who committed murder.

You know what, lots of people come from broken homes. But let's follow your logic - if a baby is conceived out of wedlock you simply force an abortion. And when a couple gets a divorce - you kill their children. Now, according to your logic, this would be a good thing as it would remove a bunch of killers. I disagree, it just makes us the murderers. In fact, if it's linked to poverty - just murder every child whose parents don't make double of minimum wage.

Sure, all mom's know before the baby is born that they will never change the circumstances they live in. Really? How sad then that the poor have voted for decades for a party that had killed their very hope of a better life.

BTW, guess Clinton should have been killed, his mom was single and poor, right? 
Praise the Lord and the Almighty God, for your healing!! And thank you President Obama for continuing the stem cell research!! May God continue to bless you Gavin!
Great letter Gavin! Keeo up the writing, it could be your calling and right up your alley. Good luck in all your endeavors whatever they may be.
+The Birms No organization that I'm aware of is selling parts for medical research as it's aberrant however, costs associated have to be paid for by someone or the losses would be too great for a non-profit organization and must be shared accordingly. So stem cell research is a vital cure un the figgt against cancer and other life threatening illnesses. But, it takes stem cells to do it with that came from a live being at some point and obviously was key in Gavin's life.
Btw, he's not a "little fella", read it again, he's a young man.
+The Birms all you speak is complete hypocrisy. Of course all religious right pro lifers would have the boy die rather than the science of stem cell research. I live among all of you hate raging religious right types and I would hope that stem cell research can wipe out all of the disease including the disease of religious hate which is the main product and primary manifestation of religion.
+Terrance Franklin​​ Not everyone feels that way, and to inflict that decision on everyone isn't fair as none of them have a voice to say otherwise until it's too late.

If that person is completely incapable of finding joy in their life, I don't know what to tell you. That he hasn't committed suicide indicates to me that however bad his life is, the alternative for him is worse or less desirable. By your argument, we should abort all fetuses.

And I'm not thinking about how I feel, I'm using facts and logic. If you are saying that it is justified to kill people who have done nothing inherently wrong, then there's something wrong with you.
+Arnoldo Bertoncini​​​ Lol. Another person who failed freshman health. If you don't understand why sperm is not a human life but a fetus is, you can't be helped.
It was taking the pro-life position to its silly conclusion and intended as sarcasm. Maybe you should revisit freshmen English lit? +Shane Robinson
+Brian Wood you've cut me to the quick with you're inability to understand humor. Also I have beard trimmer you can borrow, looks like you need it.
+Shane Robinson No your not getting the if a mother doesn't feel like that child is going to get love and support to survive it should be her choice it's called a mother intuition.
+Brian Wood your not going to take care of those 57 million babies. Nobody care about them babies they only care about themselves how they feel. Nobody care how that mother feel and their the ones that have to raise them.
+Terrance Franklin​ so should we kill those on welfare? The old? The sick, etc? So we can save money?

How about anyone who can't find a job in 4 weeks?

How about any children born to people who don't make double minimum wage?

Just how many people would you kill to save a few bucks?

Hell, just kill everyone on all the prisons. Look at the savings. 
+Terrance Franklin​ there is almost no such thing.

Corporations COLLECT taxes from their customers and pass it on to the government.

Some very few corporations get money from the government (like GE). I can agree that businesses shouldn't be collecting taxes and they shouldn't be getting money from the government. 
+Brian Wood - You are either ignorant of the facts involved in embryonic stem cell research, or just an evil provocateur.
While I can understand the oppostion to abortion as a legitimate cause, the concept that this use of cells is a destruction of human life is a blatant lie!
Secondly the misrepresentations of facts in order to justify labeling numerous researchers "murderers" or "baby killers" is not just erroneous but morally reprehensible.
The sources of embryonic stem cells include discarded embryonic cells from invitro fertilized eggs that would otherwise be destroyed! Your attacks on the research and the researchers ignore the reality that if not for the stem cell research this source of human cells would be lost without benefit to anyone. In an ideal world there would be no abortions. However placing barriers to the use of cells from aborted fetuses and unused invitro fertilized cells is a tragic waste of resources that could be used to save lives, stop diseases, and repair human beings from the effects of injury.

We currently use cadavers as a source of skin cells to treat burn victims. Cells are grown in laboratories in sheets and transplanted by graphing on to the recipient. Cadavers are also the source of connective tissues (ligaments and tendons ) use in transplants and repairs.
Heart, lung, and eye corneas are donated postmortem, and are almost universally accepted. You attack the use of cells that can Never Be Complete Human Beings, and call those dedicated to finding ways to save and enhance human life "murderers ". This act is is ignorant, hypocritical, and disrepective of reality! 
I have tried to accept the fact that reasonable people can disagree with each other, sometimes very strongly, and still have respect for civility in debate. However, there are those who in self-righteous defense of their positions hypocritically vilify those with whom they disagree.
They disregard facts or misrepresent them in ways that only support their positions. In this case they continually bring up red-herrings, evoking Nazi, slavery, and Frankenstein like comparisons.
I would encourage all of you engaged in this debate to do some research and trace the path of this research for yourself. 
+Charles Grimmett​ you are either stupid or a cold blooded killer.

Let's try and see which.

Step one, take an egg.
Step two, fertilize the egg.

Stop, it is now a human, with its own DNA.

Step three, you let the human grow and develop.

Step four, at some point you murder the human and harvest whatever parts you want. What part of HUMAN at the moment of conception are you too fucking stupid to understand? You are now a murderer.

Yes, some of the humans were created for the purpose of artificial insemination. Doesn't make them any less human when you chop them up for spare parts.

Now, since you are a complete fucking retard, maybe you don't know that there are sources of stem cells that does not require chopping up humans.

Let's try this - just for your tiny little mind. PP makes bank from killing humans and selling their body parts. If selling them became illegal, it reduces the financial incentive. Do you think this would cause MORE or FEWER abortions?

Yes, using cadavers is fine. Killing your dumb ass because someone wants your parts ISN'T legal. Are you really too stupid to see the difference? If not, turn yourself in to a recycling center. Your brain obviously isn't usable but maybe some of your parts could have a value. 
+Brian Wood they just got subsidized to go back to New York. Plus they paid off their Gov. and the President.
+Brian Wood we eat baby chicken s before there hatched people are animals people have to die so others can survive
+Tommy Totone are you suggesting that because of starvation you must eat unborn children? 
Awesome letter, stay strong Garvin you beat it and Thanks Mr. PRESIDENT 
They're so many people that today can see this brilliant sun ,thanks to the efforts and constantly research about cancer.
I get very emotional whit this type of comments. 
I just don't understand your American. I am danish citizen diagnosed with cancer several places in my body. I don't have to think about cost at all. It's all free from day one. I don't pay a cent and the hospital is operating me within 30 days after the cancer diagnoses. 
+Reinhardt Kleemann​ I don't know figures for the Danish citizens, but ...

"... looked at cancer care in the United States and in 10 European countries from 1983 to 1999.

The investigators found that for most cancers, U.S. patients lived longer than Europeans. Americans lived an average of 11.1 years after diagnosis, compared with 9.3 years for Europeans, they said."

Maybe another 2 years of life isn't worth the money. I'm just glad I live in a country where if I choose to spend my money to extend my life, even if by a couple of years, I have that choice. 
+Tommy Totone​ at 60.2%, Denmark last year had the highest top personal income tax rate among the 34 countries in the OECD, an organization of developed and emerging countries. And that 60.2% applied to income over roughly $55,000.
That's right from edwin dejesus in Broward County the president is the best I love to hear god bless us all and may he continue to bless us always amen .
The truth about The Affordable Health Care. Bravo! Every American should have health care insurance, no matter if you're rich or poor!!!
+Reinhardt Kleemann Thank you for your post. Certainly not all Americans are as ignorant nor cruel as +Brian Wood who posts a lot of information and positions that cannot be supported by any facts nor any human with functional logic. Grouping Denmark with all of Europe is like grouping the United States with all of North, Central, and South America. Quoting statistics from last century in addition was just an attempt to cause emotional injury to you so it is easy to see that the source of such venom is bereft of any facts.  
I wish you well +Reinhardt Kleemann  and may the love of the universe encircle you and comfort you. May this love from your fellow human beings assist you in recovery and healing. 
+Denny Coverstone yes, yes, the murder of 57 million children is compassionate in your eyes.

Fact is, life begins at conception. That is a medical fact. The DNA of the child is unique.

But hey, if you want to wear skinny jeans, guess that gives you a right to murder someone - if you are a liberal. 
If I will have enough money to support the cancer programs, I will always do it in Rus, in US, in WEurope, etc. last month I was Melano susp., but after a surgery test diagnosted that is not. And I am absolutely ok. But now I know how it is hard to be alone face to face with such a dangerous enemy like cancer. So now I want everyone who can help research centers - do it.
Really you are still young girl
Great letter Gavin I hope your health continues to be good health too!
there id battle of not having the force of making a living but a proud pride of a justified that isn't welcomed.  I don't welcome the form of a vicious gander to employee his manor in my form of Mather hood.  I'm weakling of who made the play, I didn't weakened yet.  I'm just a little tired of him playing hard castle ball. President isn't a fella, he is too, the voice isn't a proud it's three, the politician isn't a winner it already won.  do you see the contents on the winning tug.  I'm a winning of social security administration of proof evidence archives and the flash drive.  I can receive this from the president just send to Hope Hayden vise 16 arcade alley po box 198301 Nashville TN 37219.  I also heard piece of my reel voice through India arie.  I still have the voice of a human being not a robot.  I'm not cancer I'm just weakling.
rocio,suviendo,tu.viniendo.rocio,vino,y tu,tambien.gavi es el testigo desde que tiene uso de razon ,pero natural,menos los inbalidos.que me escomdo,para que no sepan cuando se va el invalido,tengo,creo 8 .gavito.
I love to write letters to my Dear President Barack as well, to tell him how much I appreciate his humbleness, I love you Mr President +Barack Obama​ always! !
And by the way, that was an interesting cute letter too!!
 SOS monsieur le président  barack Obama . Je suis tertag djamel Algérie SOS toutes les instances internationales d intervenir immédiatement après la publication de mon problème sur Internet J'accuse le dieu d'Alger le nouveau chef de la Cosa Nostra,  il m'a détourne me lots terrain le vice-ministre de la  défense  l'Algérie Ahmed Gaid  Salah je reçu des menaces de mort
Mr president obama,Hi sir my name is randolph jones I have just learned after being cut off of my ssi and was on my way to ssi office here in fontana california to put in my appeal notice in and was hit by a lady in her truck while she was talking on her cell phone while driving and I was rushed to the hospital emergancy room and team of doctors and nurses did xrays and full body cat scan on me and the doctors told me at the hospital that I have emphysema and palups in both my lungs maybe lung cancer and now wanting my primary doctor to keep an close eye on these palups to see if any changes if so doctors will need to do biopsy on my lungs to see if it turned to cancer and social security has cut me off ssi that I have been on ssi since 1999 and on 2-1-2016 ssi cut off my ssi checks and cut me off ssi claiming they feel im not disabled enuff to stay on ssi any longer now please mr president obama can you help me with this matter with me and ssi office in fontana california? My name is randolph Lee jones if you need my personal info I will be happy to give you that if you call me at 909-278-6535 and I hope you can help me get my ssi back started for me I still have my medical going thank God thank you mr president obama and I love the great job you have been doing ever since you began being our leader as our president of the united states of america
Long lives with good health. God blesses upon you.
access and I will she caught a glimpse a ko Lang SS a. hi
Stops your global aggression - Stops the provocations against Russia! Hold Back! Europe - Germany wants peace, wants no profit horny America!

How to tackle with Pakistan's such nonsense activities...?
Sir, Isn't this an issue in UN?
+Bill Lively
Your comment on the subject has been reduced to calling me a cunt? 
    I must be winning the argument.
+Bill Lively
I just realized how little I value your opinion. You are a small man with small thoughts and an ever devolving  vocabulary.
  Bye , Felicia.
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