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How is the President's administration partnering with local communities in your area? Find out with a new map tracking the government's work around the country: #OpenData
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1st biggest lie: We're from the government. We're just here to help.
"Any plans that we want to make for improving communities across the country need to be hatched in partnership with those communities -- by the people who live in them, work in them, and stand to benefit from them."

Oh my, that is so oppressive!
I see them blowing up bomb's and the dust and whatever landing on everything. Insenarating other country's bombs.
+Shannon UheyMartinez

What most of the medical "professionals" won't tell you is DC volt current like from a dog training collar, a tinge unit, the few that do usually use a more painful source like a stun gun type device, or another DC volt source that will produce current but under anything lethal or that could burn you .... "Will Neutralize" the venom from a brown recluse and rattlesnake.

I can testify from first hand experience as I come across them regularly at work and even see an occasional one around the house or yard. I have been bit several times and I was bit most recently on the palm of my foot and didn't notice the bite until it was swollen with a open hole surrounded by white ring of dead skin and at that point was very tender.

I used a dog training collar. I started on low for about a minute which I couldn't feel then to medium for about 20-30 seconds then to high for as long as I could stand which wasn't long. The next day the swelling was gone and the hole was scabbed up.

Being yours is on your tongue, you might could just try a nine volt battery to your tongue. It might save you time and money because most likely all they will do is give you a steroid and an antibiotic. Or from the sound of it in your case milk a tax payer payed insurance policy and remove skin (parts of your tongue) while potentially exposing you to more infection by cutting on you. 
+Robert L Seeing how you do not have good writing skills, I doubt you are a credible source for any kind of useful information.  Electrical current will not likely affect the impact of venom which is a biologic...
Obama is a lieing face and so are the rest of the obama lovers. I will see you all in 4 years I think I will run for president I will be old enough by then. 
It's a damn shame that the conservative trolls have nothing to add but their outrage over President Obama's existence. The United States is run by policies and laws. If you don't understand them your complaints aren't going to help you. 
Yes I understand, everyone is supposed to follow the law except the president and former secretary of state,the current secretary of state the former IRS Commissioner, the current IRS Commissioner etc. etc. etc.  I get where you are coming from....
The POTUS is supposed to set an example in following the law, but he skirts it, runs around it and pisses on it....  All your liberal gods in office right now have been and are doing the same.
+Matthew Kreitzer I think you will find it is your neo conservative Gods in office that are pissing on all of you from a great height.
There's a lot of conservative whining but they don't have anything positive to offer themselves. Republican states are the poorest in the U.S.. That's an absolute fact. 
The crazy fact is im not a Republican, I just speak truth instead of sitting in these posts and taking personal jabs at people for their opinions. You libs are so jaded you can't see without your beloved dictator in chief to tell you how to think. He is evil and bent on the destruction of this once great country. if you don't like what the right has to say you resort to name calling and intimidation.
It's weird as hell how none of the conservative trolls are republicans. They spout republican memes. They promote republican politicians. They have nothing good to say about any other political organization. 

Somehow "not a republican" is looking like just another bullshit line these days. 
They all have the same campaign donors, they're all on the same payrolls, you do the math poteet.
They both play for the same corporate globalist empire.
They are most all of them lying through their teeth. Left and Right, but none of them cares for your liberties.
+Matthew Kreitzer Your tinfoil hat is on waaaaay too tight. If you can't see the difference between republicans and democrats it's because you're being deliberately ignorant. 
Cool.  Many projects are in my city.
+John Poteet then why is the South have the largest economy!! SC makes more autos than Detroit! Why are all the major companies moving South????? Answer No Unions to corrupt economy!!!!!!
+jd jones Yes, South Carolina managed to undercut Michigan by offering lower wages. Fucking idiots. We're not much of a nation if states compete on a race to the bottom as to which state can screw it's citizens over the most. 

Meanwhile, in Germany, every B.M.W., Audi, Porsche, and Volkswagen is made with Union Labor that earns far more than U.S. workers in Southern States get and have better benefits and job security. 

Guess why Southern States are still poor? Because they're stupid enough to believe the bullshit Republicans keep serving them on a platter of racism. 
+jd jones they are moving to areas where they can most effectively reduce their labor costs by exploiting the labor pool.

It's textbook capitalism, and the exact reason why we have regulations.

And the anti-union states have actually lost some plants specifically due to their policies, but let's pretend that didn't happen.
Stop funding nonprofits, now!
+the mightyKICKSTAND HAMILTON Thinking like this I'm glad to hear you moved. Thanks! This country was founded on immigrants with the exception of Native Americans. All Americans are decedents of Immigrants. To say such a things shows you have no idea of our countries history. Go read a book about it before those you support take that out of curriculum as well. Just to stay upset, helps no one. Maybe you can teach the GOP that. You should get along fine with that lot. Oh BTW they are descendants of Migrants as well.
Whatever happened to the days when the Federal government basically dealt with the states and the states dealt with the local government? It seems we may have at least one level too many. Imagine how much taxpayer money we would save, and how the price of commercial and business goods and services would go down by eliminating 1/3 of the lobbying triangle! 
I think it is individual administration in the history of USA 
Americans societies should support and follow the president Obama for his efforts which are progressing for them
ngss : in indonesia Democracy OK but pengakuan atas Hak cipta,karya dan ide Ga ada sama sekali
+lai jj People in China should really demonstrate KuoMinTang (KMT) Nationalism in pride and freedom to build the nation once and for all in the world what we should see in future! 
If you live in America speak english please unless you donot want people to know what you are saying. It seeems you all want to leave where you were at because you didnot like it there so you wsnt to change us. Go back home and work on change there.
Mister President Barack Obama I like for you one beautiful merry crismas and for you family.Maiby I not have one Good merry crisma because I have Câncer and 62 years old the unic tings I like in my life is one Good health and live here in USA this is my dreams maby last dreams.Tank you for you atencion and Jesus Crist bless you life.Merry crismas Mister President Barack Obama and family!

Ass: Paulo Roberto Droescher de Oliveira. 
Mr President Barack Obama, my dear friend, We are in this together, I got your back, I hate Donald Trump, I don't like Republicans and their extremism, God bless you Mr President BO, you are the change that Americans need!!!!
Being a republican is not extremism its doing whats fair and right. I my self am getting real tired of the racism that mr O had started! I believe in JESUS!! What I don't believe in is the entitled bunch. I believe we need morals, our country has lost them. I think everyone needs to work for what they want. Our taxpayer dollars don't need to gi to supporting illegals or someone's baby because they don't know who the daddy is. No free health care make it affordable for everyone which means a competitive market. Get a job, educate yourself, have a goal in life want better for yourself. Not what everyone thinks you can't do. Believe in yourself. That's the fundamentals of life. Be kind to others be helpful and kind. You might find if you are kind you will get the same in return. But because of entitlements our country is in deep debt and no one cares. Including you lets just keep spending money we don't have because we take care of the world and anyone that can crosd that border illegally.
+Jessica Shoemaker So you're telling us that you are a White NAZI.
Got it. 
We will never, ever find a comment where you complain about millionaires receiving massive subsidies before you attack the poor. That isn't Jesus you worship but Mammon. 
No I think everyone needs to do there part but it seems we are bailing out big business because there bottom line isnt where it needs to be. We don't need to be the support for every third wold country and we definitely don't need to support those that refuse to go to work because they make more by having a bunch of kids they can't or won't take care of. I believe in jesus as well but God helps those who put forth the effort. Not the gimme mind set Obama has created more of. I dont care where you come from or whst color you are but you need to come here legally you need to work on following our laws and be thankful for the chance to better yourslf and family by getting an education work hard and have respect not only for yourself and family but for others as well. Welfare was first designed to give you a helping hand when you had gotten into a rough patch till you could straighten things out. not for you to sit on your butt at home and have 10 kids because you don't want to actually get up and earn a living.
+Jessica Shoemaker You're white trash repeating bullshit you've heard on Fox News. You don't believe in Jesus because Jesus demanded you help the poor and you're not doing that. 

You hate the poor. You hate black people. You hate anybody who isn't white and rich. Shut up and GTFO. 
Hillary really knows what is needed to be president unlike clowns on the other side.
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