AmeriCorps Alumni


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Use Your Ed Award

Understand how to use your Segal AmeriCorps Education Award

Ed Award Hub
Tax Implications
Schools of National Service



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Find a Job


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Communicate Your
Service Experience

Explore resources to better explain your AmeriCorps service experience

Develop your elevator speech, write your resume,
prepare for an interview, update your LinkedIn profile

View All Resources


Civic Engagement Icon

Continue Civic Engagement

Find volunteer opportunities and participate in National
Days of Service

Search for Volunteer Opportunities
MLK Day of Service
September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance


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Explore AmeriCorps Alums

The national network that connects AmeriCorps alumni to people
and resources

AmeriCorps Alums
Connect with a Chapter



Stay Involved


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Get Social!

Share Your Story Icon

Share Your Story!

  • Record and upload your story on YouTube (example)
  • Share your experience with your university or local newspaper
  • Write an article for your LinkedIn profile (example)
  • Animate, illustrate, or get creative with your story
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Recruit Future Members!





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