Basic Environmental Law

Basic Environmental Law

Use the information under Course Offerings to fill out the registration form.

Course Registration

Course Offerings

Offering No. CDP CIN N74 ENVIRONMENTAL TRAINING COURSES Start Date End Date Location
17010 379C A-4A-0058 Basic Environmental Law 12-Dec-16 14-Dec-16 San Diego, CA
17015 379C A-4A-0058 Basic Environmental Law 14-Feb-17 16-Feb-17 San Diego, CA
17020 379C A-4A-0058 Basic Environmental Law 14-Mar-17 16-Mar-17 Jacksonville, FL
17030 379C A-4A-0058 Basic Environmental Law 6-Jun-17 8-Jun-17 Norfolk, VA
17040 379C A-4A-0058 Basic Environmental Law 8-Aug-17 10-Aug-17 Oahu, HI

Course Description

Basic Environmental Law is an ISEERB-approved course that provides DoD personnel with a general survey of Federal environmental statutes and their implementing regulations. Environmental compliance theory and policy are also covered.

The course mission is to support compliance with all the applicable laws, promote stewardship for our natural resources, and instill an environmental ethic within the DoD workforce. As applicable, environmental responsibilities unique to ISEERB components are also covered. Senior DoD environmental attorneys teach this course.

Course topics include:
Federal System of Law and Government
Common Law for Environmental Contamination
Sovereign Immunity and related legal theory
Environmental Planning (NEPA, CZMA)
Natural Resources Protection (Endangered Species Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Sikes Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and Wetlands Protection)
Management of Hazardous Waste (RCRA)
Environmental Restoration (CERCLA)
Clean Water (Clean Water Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, Marine Protection Act)
Control of Toxic Substances (Toxics Substances, Lead, Paint, Asbestos, PCBs, EPCRA)
Planning for and Responding to Spills and Releases (Oil Pollution Act, National Contingency Plan)
Environmental Enforcement and Crimes
Cultural Resources Protection (National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA))
Archeological & Historic Preservation Act (AHPA)
Native American Graves Protection & Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)
American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA)

Target Audience

All Military and civilian DoD and United States Coast Guard personnel with environmental responsibilities; facility planners, judge advocate general and attorneys who need a survey of environmental law; public affairs personnel, Commanding Officers and their staff members with environmental duties. This course is required for Naval Civil Engineer Corps Officer Level II PW Certification.