Logistics Human Capital Strategy (HCS)

Logistics Human Capital Strategy (HCS) [Suggest Change]

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Primary Functional Area : Life Cycle Logistics

Definition [Suggest Change]

According to the 2008 DoD Logistics Human Capital Strategy (HCS) issued by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics & Materiel Readiness, "the DoD Logistics Human Capital Strategy (HCS) supports the goals and fulfills the requirements and objectives of the Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), the Under Secretary of Defense (P&R) Civilian Human Capital Strategic Plan, and the AT&L Human Capital Strategic Plan. It has been signed off by DUSD (L&MR) and endorsed by all Services, Agencies, and COCOM senior logistics leaders. It has been developed to serve as a valuable resource for the Services' and Agencies' logistics human capital efforts. It describes the vision for the Logistics functional community, enabling pillars, outcomes, benefits, the implementation approach and a timeline of key actions and tasks. It was written in a collaborative effort with the Logistics functional community across the Services, Joint Staff, DLA, and USTRANSCOM."

General Information/Narrative [Suggest Change]

The 2008 DoD Logistics Human Capital Strategy vision is "Developing an Integrated, Agile, and High-Performing Future Workforce of Multi-Faceted, Interchangeable Logisticians That Succeed in a Joint Operating Environment." To achieve this comprehensive vision, DoD logistics professionals from across OSD, the military services and defense agencies worked for almost two years crafting this comprehensive strategy which was approved in May 2008.

The 2008 Logistics Human Capital Strategy identified four top level logistics workforce categories: Supply Management, Deployment/Distribution/Transportation, Maintenance Support, and Life Cycle Logistics. Underlying these four workforce categories were fifteen top level technical competencies, along with literally hundreds of detailed proficiency requirements supporting these competencies. For the Defense Acquisition Workforce Life Cycle Logistician, there are seven technical competencies: (1) Logistics Design Influence, (2) Integrated Logistics Support Planning, (3) Product Support & Sustainment, (4) Configuration Management, (5) Reliability & Maintainability Analysis, (6) Technical/Product Data Management, and (7) Supportability Analysis. The workforce categories, definitions of each, technical competencies, fundamental competencies, and leadership & management competencies are identified in the pictorial below:

Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Policies, Directives, Regulations, Laws [Suggest Change]

Best Practices, Lessons Learned, Stories, Guides, Handbooks, Templates, Examples, Tools [Suggest Change]

In addition to information on OPM workforce planning resources, the DoD Logistics HCS website contains six key reference documents tabbed as follows:

  • Executive Overview - The Executive Overview PowerPoint provides a summary of the vision and goals of DoD Logistics' Human Capital Strategy Plan. It outlines the development of the six elements (also called pillars) that will enable this vision: (1) Logistics Career Roadmap, (2) Logistics Competencies, (3) Education, Training, and Developmental Assignments, (4) Logistics Career Development Framework (LCDF), (5) Certificate / Certification Program, and an (6) Executive Steering Group (ESG) to oversee these efforts.
  • The DoD Logistics Human Capital Strategy - While its mission and purpose are constant, the logistics workforce faces a continuously evolving strategic environment. The DoD Logistics Human Capital Strategy (HCS) provides a clear vision that establishes the foundation for the future logistics workforce, culture, and human resources practices. The DoD Logistics HCS vision is an integrated, agile, and high-performing future workforce of multi-faceted, interchangeable logisticians that succeed in a joint operating environment. The bedrock of this vision is competency-based management of the DoD's logistics workforce, manifest in the creation of a logistics career roadmap with a common lexicon and set of core logistics competencies and proficiencies. Operationalized through a DoD Logistics Career Development Framework (LCDF), this roadmap will provide the future logistics workforce with the right mix of function-specific subject matter experts and multi-faceted Enterprise Logisticians. The Logistics HCS will benefit DoD logisticians, and the Services, Agencies, and COCOMs. For individuals, the HCS provides a clear career roadmap and development framework with consistent expectations and application of competencies and skill requirements, in addition to enhanced opportunity for cross-functional development, flexibility, and growth. For the Services, Agencies, and COCOMs, the HCS improves logistics synergy which, in turn, provides better capabilities for current and emerging mission requirements. In addition, the HCS provides an enterprise system that will enable identification, development, and utilization of the desired competencies to meet mission needs.
  • The DoD Logistics Capital Strategy Transmittal Memo - This PDF document is a transmittal memo from DUSD (L&MR) highlighting the Human Capital Strategy efforts, its visions, and the parties involved. It is his endorsement to encourage leaders within OSD, the Services, Agencies, and combatant commands (COCOMS) to continue to support and move forward with these comprehensive and forward-leaning workforce strategies.
  • The DoD Core Logistics Competencies and Proficiencies Booklet – This June 1, 2008 booklet supports the "Competency Pillar" of the HCS document dated May 12, 2008. It includes the 15 core technical competencies and their 5 level of proficiency growth for all DoD Logisticians across the Services, Agencies and COCOMS. It also includes the 6 fundamental and leadership and 25 management competencies OPM defined consistent across all career fields. This document is a must read for all logisticians, including the Defense Acquisition Workforce (AT&L) Life Cycle Logistician. The competencies are arranged in a progression from individual focus to organizational focus; as logisticians advance through the five proficiency levels, they are expected to have an increasingly broad, enterprise-wide perspective as well as joint experience. Two important definitions to be aware of when reading this document:
    1. A competency is defined as a measurable pattern of knowledge, skill, abilities, behaviors, and other characteristics that are needed to successfully perform work-related tasks. (source: OPM)
    2. A proficiency offers guidance as to the work, skills, knowledge, and abilities necessary to be competent across a career.
  • HCS Training and Education Resources, Observations, & Recommendations - This document is a representative collection of the training, education, and development assignments available to logisticians. Over 700 courses were reviewed, observations were recorded and, where appropriate, recommendations made. These observations and recommendations have been divided into overlaps and gaps and are addressed first. The remainder of the document is a listing of courses by workforce category, competency, and then by the five levels of proficiency.
  • HCS Certificate Resources - This is a catalog of 94 available Logistics and Leadership certificate programs. It is not a comprehensive list, and it is the result of online research and input from DoD Logisticians. There is also an index included after the Table of Contents that lists the courses by the number of courses required for completion.

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Training Resources [Suggest Change]

The DoD Life Cycle Logistics Functional IPT (FIPT) and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Materiel Readiness career field Functional Leader (FL) approved a proposed strategic roadmap at the February 2009 FIPT meeting for DAU to begin embedding the new Life Cycle Logistics competencies and proficiencies into DAU learning assets and courseware, including classroom courses, distance learning courses, and continuous learning modules (CLMs). This effort was accelerated by the recommendations contained in the November 2009 DoD Weapon System Acqusition Reform: Product Support Assessment and the April 2012 revision to the Life Cycle Logistics career field competency set. The DAWIA certification requirements for the Life Cycle Logistics career field are available in the DAU iCatalog
Note: The Life Cycle Logistics career field represents only one of the four logistics workforce categories identified in the 2008 DoD Logistics Human Capital Strategy.

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Page Views 10,964
Created on 9/3/2009
Modified on 9/23/2016
Last Reviewed 9/23/2016