Integrated Product Support (IPS) Element - Technical Data

Integrated Product Support (IPS) Element - Technical Data [Suggest Change]

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Primary Functional Area : Life Cycle Logistics

Definition [Suggest Change]

Technical Data represents recorded information of scientific or technical nature, regardless of form or character (such as equipment technical manuals and engineering drawings), engineering data, specifications, standards and Data Item Descriptions (DID). Data rights, data delivery, as well as use of any source controlled data as part of this element are included in technical data as are “as maintained” bills of material and system configuration identified by individual configuration item. Technical data does not include computer software or financial, administrative, cost or pricing, or management data or other information incidental to contract administration." See 10 U.S.C. 2302(4).

General Information/Narrative [Suggest Change]

Technical data is a critical area of focus for the Product Support Manager (PSM). The PSM must identify, plan, validate, resource and implement management actions to develop and acquire information to:

  • Operate, maintain, and train on the equipment to maximize its effectiveness and availability;
  • Effectively catalog and acquire spare/repair parts, support equipment, and all classes of supply;
  • Define the configuration baseline of the system (hardware and software) to effectively support the Warfighter with the best capability at the time it is needed.

Technical manuals (TMs) including Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs) and engineering drawings are the most expensive and probably the most important data acquisitions made in support of a system. TMs and IETMs provide the instructions for operation and maintenance of a system. IETMs also provide integrated training and diagnostic fault isolation procedures.

According to paragraph 2.1.7 of the Product Support Manager (PSM) Guidebook, technical data “represents recorded information of scientific or technical nature, regardless of form or character (such as equipment technical manuals and engineering drawings), engineering data, specifications, standards and Data Item Descriptions (DID). Technical manuals (TMs), including Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (IETMs) and engineering drawings, are the most expensive and probably the most important data acquisitions made in support of a system. TMs and IETMs provide the instructions for operation and maintenance of a system. IETMs also provide integrated training and diagnostic fault isolation procedures. Address data rights and data delivery as well as use of any proprietary data as part of this element. Establish a data management system within the IDE that allows every activity involved with the program to cost effectively create, store, access, manipulate, and exchange digital data. This includes, at minimum, the data management needs of the system engineering process, modeling and simulation activities, test and evaluation strategy, support strategy, and other periodic reporting requirements. Also includes as maintained bills of material and system configuration by individual system identification code or ―tail number.”

DoDI 5000.02 states that Program Managers for ACAT I and II programs, regardless of planned sustainment approach, shall assess the long-term technical data needs of their systems and reflect that assessment in an Intellectual Property Strategy. The Intellectual Property Strategy shall:

  • Be integrated with other life-cycle sustainment planning and included in the Acquisition Strategy;
  • Assess the data required to design, manufacture, and sustain the system, as well as to support re-competition for production, sustainment, or upgrades;
  • Address the merits of including a priced contract option for the future delivery of technical data and intellectual property rights not acquired upon initial contract award and shall consider the contractor’s responsibility to verify any assertion of restricted use and release of data.

If affordable, ownership of full data rights is beneficial. But The Product Support Manager must consider the spectrum of alternatives available for data access, which can include ownership, option to buy ownership, leasing agreements, or access by way of a public-private partnership. There are choices that exist between the acquire or not-acquire decision.

Technical data rights fall into eight categories:

  • Unlimited Rights. Developed exclusively at Government expense, and certain types of data (e.g., Form, Fit, and Function data (FFF); Operation, Maintenance, Installation, and Training (OMIT)). These rights involve the right to use, modify, reproduce, display, release, or disclose technical data in whole or in part, in any manner, and for any purpose whatsoever, and to have or authorize others to do so;
  • Government Purpose License Rights. This right involves the right to use, duplicate, or disclose technical data for government purposes only, and to have or permit others to do so for government purposes only. Government purposes include competitive procurement, but do not include the right to permit others to use the data for commercial purposes;
  • Limited Rights. A limited rights agreement permits the government to use proprietary technical data in whole or in part. It also means that the government has the expressed permission of the party providing the technical data to release it, or disclose it, outside the government;
  • Restricted Rights. Developed exclusively at private expense. See DFARS 252.227-7014(a)(14);
  • Negotiated License Rights. This right pertains whenever the standard license arrangements are modified to the mutual agreement of the contractor and the government. In this case, the exact terms are spelled out in a specific license agreement unique to each application;
  • Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Data Rights. All technical data or computer software generated under an SBIR contract. Non-government users cannot release or disclose outside the Government except to Government support contractors;
  • Commercial Technical Data License Rights. Applies to TD related to commercial items (developed at private expense). Managed same as Limited Rights;
  • Commercial Computer Software Licenses. Applies to any commercial computer software or software documentation. Managed as specified in the commercial license offered to the public.
The repository for technical data is the SAE GEIA-STD-0007 compliant Logistics Product Database which captures data from all the IPS Elements along with the results of the supportability analyses.

Defense Acquisition Guidebook, Policies, Directives, Regulations, Laws [Suggest Change]

Best Practices, Lessons Learned, Stories, Guides, Handbooks, Templates, Examples, Tools [Suggest Change]

Training Resources [Suggest Change]

  • PM e-Tool Kit Job Support Tool (JST)
  • Product Support Tools and Training
  • LOG 101 Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals
  • LOG 102 Fundamentals of System Sustainment Management
  • LOG 103 Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability (RAM)
  • LOG 206 Intermediate Systems Sustainment
  • LOG 211 Supportability Analysis
  • LOG 215 Technical Data Management 
  • LOG 235 Performance-Based Logistics
  • LOG 340 Life Cycle Product Support
  • LOG 350 Enterprise Life Cycle Logistics Management
  • LOG 465 Executive Product Support Manager's Course  
  • SYS 101 Fundamentals of Systems Planning, Research, Development and Engineering
  • CLB 007 Cost Analysis
  • CLE 001 Value Engineering
  • CLE 003 Technical Reviews
  • CLE 004 Introduction to Lean Enterprise Concepts
  • CLE 017 Technical Planning
  • CLE 036 Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs) for Engineers
  • CLE 068Intellectual Property & Data Rights
  • CLE 301 Reliability and Maintainability
  • CLL 002 DLA Support to the PM
  • CLL 004 Life Cycle Logistics for the Rest of Us
  • CLL 008 Designing and Assessing Supportability in DOD Weapon Systems
  • CLL 011 Performance Based Logistics
  • CLL 015 Business Case Analysis
  • CLL 019 Technology Refreshment Planning
  • CLL 020 Independent Logistics Assessments
  • CLL 119 Technology Refreshment Implementation

    ·         LOG 465 Executive Product Support Manager's Course

    ·         CLL012 Supportability Analysis

    ·         CLL030 Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)

    ·         CLL057 Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) Fundamentals

    ·         CLL058 Level of Repair Analysis (LORA) Implementation

    ·         CLL059 Sustaining Engineering

    ·         CLL019 Technology Refreshment Planning

    ·         CLL 005 Developing a Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP)   

    ·         CLL 035 Operating and Support Cost Estimating for the PSM 

    ·         CLL 036 Product Support Manager

    ·         CLL 039 Product Support Requirements Identification

    ·         CLL 046 The Twelve Integrated Product Support Elements

    ·         CLM 200 Item Unique Identification

    ·         CLM 201 Serialized Item Management 

  • CLM 071Introduction to Data Management
  • CLM 072 Data Management Strategy Development
  • CLM 073 Data Management Planning System
  • CLM 074 Technical Data and Computer Software Rights
  • CLM 075 Data Acquisition
  • CLM 076 Data Markings
  • CLM 077 Data Management Protection and Storage

Life Cycle Logistics Career Field Certification & Core Plus Development Guides. A variety of DAU courses identified at all three levels of Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) certification address technical data, technical data management.

Communities [Suggest Change]

Better Buying Power
Data Management
Item Unique Identification
Life Cycle Logistics
Naval Open Architecture
Performance Based Logistics
Program Management
Reliability, Availability & Maintainability
Requirements Management
Risk Management
Systems Engineering

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Total Package Fielding
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
Technical Data Package (TDP)
Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements
Funding Product Support Strategies - Working Capital Funds (WCF)
Item Unique Identification (IUID)
Data Rights
Integrated Product Support (IPS) Element - Manpower & Personnel
Technical Manuals
Funding Product Support Strategies
Specifications and Standards

Attachments [Suggest Change]

Page Information

Page Views 5,220
Created on 7/17/2012
Modified on 6/3/2016
Last Reviewed 6/3/2016