Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) Chapter 7 Acquiring Information Technology Revised (

On September 16, 2013, a major update to the Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) Chapter 7, Acquiring Information Technology was released to provide updates to reflect recent changes in DoD policy and OMB guidance associated with: Sharing Data, Information, and information Technology (IT) Services; and Electromagnetic Spectrum.

DAG Chapter 7 is the primary reference for Program Managers (PMs) and Sponsors/Domain Owners implement Department of Defense (DoD) policies intended to achieve fundamentally joint, net-centric, distributed forces capable of rapid decision superiority and massed effects across the battle space to transform DoD warfighting, business, and intelligence capabilities.

Section 7.4 (retitled Sharing Data, Information, and Information Technology (IT) Services) has been significantly revised to:

Section 7.6 (Electromagnetic Spectrum) has been significantly revised to:

Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO) developed this update to reflect current policy changes and initiatives, and to emphasize the role of providing balanced IT solutions and shared services to deliver Warfighter capability needs.

The complete DAG Chapter 7 is available at