How to Help Military and Veteran Families

Sailor holding her young child

You can best support someone when you understand his or her needs and the specific things you can do to help. How to Help Military and Veteran Families is an informational series that clearly defines ways that specialized audiences can support service members, veterans and their families.

The series is the result of a joint effort between the Department of Defense and the Department of Agriculture, in collaboration with the Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University and the National Military Family Association. These organizations have ensured that each topic in the series provides evidence-based guidance in the form of short, practical suggestions and links to additional resources. Every issue has been carefully reviewed both by subject matter experts and military family support organizations.

Connect with the title that best fits your needs by viewing the PDF online:

You can also access printer-friendly versions of each title from the Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University. If you are in need of 100 or more printed copies for conference packets, class handouts, special events, etc., you may order them at cost from the institute. Simply email the Military Family Research Institute to order.


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