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standard time

Time to Spring Forward

Early Sunday morning --2 a.m. to be exact-- while most Americans are sleeping, most of us will also be springing forward into Daylight Savings Time.

Under law, daylight saving time is observed from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November and is designed to increase the amount of evening daylight.

Although Federal law specifies that those areas observing the time change must use the starting and ending dates set by the law. So, if you live anywhere in the U.S. except Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Marianas, and most of Arizona, you'll be setting your clocks one hour ahead...

Reminder to set clocks ahead, Sunday, March 9, 2 a.m.

Changing your clocks means changing your driving habits

In addition to raking leaves, one thing many of us can also look forward to this weekend is setting our clocks back one hour. And in addition to checking the batteries on your smoke detectors, the end of Daylight Saving Time should also mean a change in your safe driving habits.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reminds us that the seasonal combination of increasingly less sunlight and a return to Standard Time means that darkness falls at least an hour earlier.

Graphic of a clock amid fallen leaves

Daylight Saving Time

Under the Uniform Time Act, as amended, States may exempt themselves from observing Daylight Saving Time by State law.  If a State chooses to observe Daylight Saving Time, it must begin and end on federally mandated dates.

Uniform Time

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) oversees the Nation's time zones and the uniform observance of Daylight Saving Time.  The oversight of time zones was assigned to DOT because time standards were first instituted by the railroad industry. 

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