Australian Open starts in Melbourne on January 14 and continues until January 27, 2013. When it is 11am January 14, 2013 in Melbourne (Australia), what time is it in other locations around the world ?

WTZ News: Russians want winter time back

Fiji ends DST (Summer Time) on January 20, 2013. See Oceania Time Zone Map.

Brazil ends Summer Time (DST) at midnight February 16-17, 2013. See South America Time Zone Map.

Chile ends Summer Time (DST) at midnight March 9-10, 2013. See South America Time Zone Map.

Uruguay ends Summer Time (DST) on March 10, 2013. See South America Time Zone Map.

USA, Canada, border Mexico, Bahamas, Bermuda, Saint Pierre & Miquelon, Turks & Caicos Islands start Summer Time (DST) on March 10, 2013. See USA Time Zone Map.

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World Time Zone Map with current time (12 HOUR AM/PM FORMAT)
Change Time mode: 12 hours (AM/PM) or 24 hours
+12|-12 UTC-11 UTC-10 UTC-9 UTC-8 UTC-7 UTC-6 UTC-5 UTC-4 UTC-3 UTC-2 UTC-1 UTC(0) UTC+1 UTC+2 UTC+3 UTC+4 UTC+5 UTC+6 UTC+7 UTC+8 UTC+9 UTC+10 UTC+11 +12|-12
M Y X-ray Whiskey Victor Uniform Tango Sierra Romeo Quebec Papa Oscar Novemb Zulu Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Kilo Lima M Y

The time zone number indicates the number of hours by which Zone Time ahead of or behind
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or Greenwich Mean Time(GMT).
daylight saving time - places are currently observing Daylight Saving Time (DST) / Summer Time.
Map above reflect new time zones of Russia, Belarus, Samoa, Libya.

World Time Zones maps are property of and may not be used or reproduced without permission

- Pacific centered Map of Time Zones of the World with current time- 24h format and 12h format

- Standard Time Zone chart of the World - World Map of Time Zones (December 2012)

- Military Time Zones- World Map of Time Zones (December 2012)

To print a time/map snapshot use these browsers: Opera, Firefox, Netscape Navigator.
Internet Explorer does not capture time/map image for print.

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