COVID-19 Information

Access information about COVID-19, DIA guidance, and changes during the pandemic.

Licensing & Registration


DIA handles licensing, certification, and registration for food businesses, hotels, nursing assistants, health facilities, amusement devices, and social and charitable gambling.



Submit a complaint for DIA to review about:

  • Restaurants, bars, convenience and grocery stores, home bakeries, food processing plants
  • Hotels, motels, or bed-and-breakfast inns
  • Nursing homes, assisted living facilities, residential care facilities, hospitals, hospices, elder group homes
  • Dependent adult abuse
  • Administrative law judges who work for DIA



Records requests can be made by filling out DIA's online form, by phone, fax or mail, or in person.

Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals
321 E. 12th Street
Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0083
T: 515.281.7102
F: 515.281.6863

Some records you can access online via DIA's online databases:

Media Inquiries

If you are a member of the news media and have questions for DIA regarding department operations, please complete our media inquiry form to reach Stefanie Bond, DIA communications director.

Registration for Consumable Hemp Products

Registration for consumable hemp products with DIA is not yet available. We do not have an estimate at this time of when registration will be available or what it will look like. Please check back for updates.

Consumable hemp products include, but are not limited to: food, chew or snuff, or topical application (e.g., lotions, tinctures).

If you have an inquiry about growing hemp or applying for a hemp license or seed permit, please contact the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship at 515.725.1470.

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