General DERP Information

General DERP Information

The Environmental Site Closeout Process Guide, September 1999 pdf [708 KB]

This guide consolidates the existing statutory and regulatory requirements affecting the closeout of sites under the DERP.

Recommendations from the DoD-EPA Goal Harmonization Workgroup (Dec 2011) pdf [1.21 MB]

Summary of the DoD-EPA Goal Harmonization Workgroup's progress to date and lessons learned

Army Environmental Cleanup Strategy & Strategic Plan (Mar-07) pdf [265 KB]
Environmental Restoration Terms and Acronyms, 1998 doc [1.08 MB]

May 1998 Dept of the Navy Environemental Program terms and acronyms

DoD/EPA Joint Guidance on Streamlined Site Closeout and NPL Deletion Process for DoD Facilities pdf [120 KB]

Jan-06 Streamline CERCLA and NPL deletion process to reduce time and manage costs.

22-Sep-88 State participation in CERCLA IAGs pdf [1.46 MB]
Interim Guidance on Environmental Restoration RODs pdf [305 KB]
Performance-Based Acquisition of Environmental Restoration Services pdf [1.94 MB]


Air Force Policy and Guidance on Remedy Selection Documentation in Records of Decision pdf [389 KB]
Jun-88 Model Provisions for CERCLA Federal Facility Agreements at NPL Sites pdf [1.23 MB]
DUSD(I&E) Memorandum 2009 pdf [87 KB]

Use of Fort Eustis FFA as the DoD-EPA Standard FFA, May 2009

Interim Policy on Integration of Natural Resource Injury Responsibilities and Environmental Restoration Activities doc [41 KB]

May 2000

Policy and Guidance on Land Use Controls Associated with Environmental Restoration Activities pdf [443 KB]

Jan 2001

DUSD(I&E) Memorandum pdf [630 KB]

DERP Interim Guidance for Estimating Program Costs and Environmental Liabilities, Dec 2007

DoD Vapor Intrusion Handbook pdf [732 KB]

Tri-Services Handbook for the Assessment of the Vapor Intrusion Pathway, Feb 2008