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ACE and Automated Systems

CBP automated systems facilitate the electronic importing and exporting of goods. By the end of 2016, the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) will become the Single Window - the primary system through which the trade community will report imports and exports and the government will determine admissibility. Through ACE as the Single Window, manual processes will be streamlined and automated, paper will be eliminated, and the trade community will be able to more easily and efficiently comply with U.S. laws and regulations.

Below you will find an overview and links to more information on: ACE, ACE transition efforts and mandatory dates, training materials, technical reference documentation, outreach efforts, and support resources.

Transitioning to ACE

CBP is working to complete and deploy core trade processing capabilities in ACE by January 14, 2017. mandatory datesAs part of this effort CBP has established a series of mandatory use dates for transitioning to ACE. For full details on the transition please visit our page on ACE Mandatory Use Dates, or for details on Partner Government Agency efforts - including pilots - please see the PGA Integration section of our ACE Feature page.

What's New with ACE

ACE Transition Resources

CBP has released guidance on the transition of the following capabilities to ACE that addresses high level changes and provides ACE programming resources:

ACE Reports Training Videos

CBP has released 11 videos to support ACE reports capabilities.  The videos cover topics from setting preferences, running reports, and customizing reports from scratch.

ACE Business Rules

CBP has released two documents that outline the processes, procedures and policy associated with the filing and release of entries and entry summaries using ACE.  They can be accessed through the following links: entries or entry summaries.


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Automated Commercial Environment


ACE provides a single, centralized access point for the trade community to connect with CBP and its Partner Government Agencies (PGA) called the ACE Secure Data Portal.  As ACE features are developed and deployed, corresponding capabilities in the legacy ACS will be retired. For more information, visit the ACE Features page.

To learn how to start filing to ACE via EDI or to apply for an ACE Portal Account, visit the Getting Started with CBP Automated Systems page.

Legacy Systems Automated Commercial System (ACS): CBP’s legacy system for filing import data electronically. ACS is used to electronically track, control, and process goods imported into the United States.

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Web-Based Training, Videos, and Guides Visit the ACE Training home page for links to training guides, videos, and web-based courses.

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Technical Information

Implementation Guides Looking to get connected to our automated systems to transmit data electronically? Access our implementation guides on the Technical Documentation Page.

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Outreach & Support

Events Visit our ACE Outreach Events page to find out about upcoming visits to your city, local port, or webinars (you may also access recordings of previous webinars).
Email Updates Sign up for the Cargo System Messaging Service (CSMS) to receive alerts on the latest automated systems news.
Questions Have a question about ACE? Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or visit the ACE Support page.

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Last published: 
December 9, 2016