Special Needs Consultations: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is a special needs consultation?
A: Military OneSource provides you with an experienced consultant who will talk with you about a special needs concern by phone at no cost to you.

Q: What can I expect during a consultation?
A: The consultant will listen to you and complete a needs assessment. Based on the assessment, the consultant will provide you with resources and referral options to match your family's needs.

Q: In what areas can the consultant help me?
A: Consultants can help you with child or adult special needs in the following areas:

  • Information about specialized doctors, medical-equipment resources and navigating medical benefits.
  • Educational information about early intervention, special education and options available when your child graduates from high school
  • Support for adults, including information on insurance and navigating Supplementary Security Income, Medicare and Medicaid; plus comprehensive research on grants, support groups, in-home care residential care and help during deployments
  • Recreational referrals to specialized summer camps and other extra-curricular activities
  • Referrals to legal and financial resources specific to special needs families
  • Caregiver-wellness referrals for support groups and stress-management and counseling resources
  • Respite-care resources through TRICARE or community programs, as well as through each service branch

Q: How do I set up a special needs consultation?
A: Call 800-342-9647 and ask to schedule an appointment with a special needs consultant at no cost to you. You can also go to the Military OneSource website and schedule an appointment online.



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