Face-to-Face Support at the Installation

The Department of Defense Spouse Education and Career Opportunities team recently had the opportunity to speak with Jerrilyn Christopher, Community Readiness Consultant, at the Airman and Family Readiness Center at Hurlburt Field, Florida. Ms. Christopher shared some of her best practices and experiences when speaking with military spouses about education and employment resources.

Christopher takes the time to do a personal assessment with each spouse that seeks her services. Education, career goals, the proper skills, transportation and adequate childcare, if needed, are the goals for success. She invites all military spouses to attend the "Spouse Employment Ready Program", a two-hour workshop that assists spouses with education and employment needs. Some of the topics of discussion are the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship, MySECO and the Military Spouse Employment Partnership, to name a few. If she discovers a spouse is not enrolled and eligible for these services, she escorts them to a computer in the A&FRC to immediately get them enrolled. On several occasions, she has even called SECO Career Counselors for the spouses to make the connection on-site. She says she is a personal cheerleader to many spouses who have acquired and are currently acquiring degrees.

When asked what is her the most recommended resource to military spouses, she responded immediately, "The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship because it's the most beneficial. Guidance counselors walk them through the process, I love it, love it, love it.” She is also a huge proponent of MySECO. She particularly spoke of the specialty consultations and the ability to connect spouses directly with MSEP partners. "It's a winning combination,” said Christopher.

For military spouses that may be reading this article, Christopher closed with a few words of advice, "Do not hesitate, take advantage of these programs, they are yours. You too can grow in stride.”

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