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General Sustainability Resources

Find general sustainability research, tools, and resources here, including FTA reports, academic papers, and information on Green Building, Environmental Management Systems, and LEED.

Sustainability Resources on Specific Topics

Climate Change

Public transportation can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by providing a low emissions alternative to driving, facilitating compact development, and minimizing the carbon footprint of its operations.  Find research on transit and climate change, tools for measuring and reducing carbon footprints, and information on transportation-related climate change adaptation here. 

Environmental Analysis and Review

A clearinghouse dedicated to providing all the necessary information to guide transit agencies, resource agencies, and the public though the environmental review process for transit projects and improvements that receive Federal funds. Here you will find detailed information on NEPA and other environmental policy, as well as information on environmental streamlining and stewardship as mandated in Executive Order 13274. This site also provides resource information, compiled in the NEPA reference library, and information on professional development opportunities.

Transit Oriented Development

By combining investment in public transportation with mixed-use, compact land use around transit stations, transit-oriented development (TOD) reduces car trips and distances and boosts the environmental benefits of transit.  Find out more about FTA policies that support TOD here, as well as tools and resources for building TOD.

Livable and Sustainable Communities

Highlights how FTA programs fit into the larger DOT Livability Initiative and the Federal Sustainable Communities Partnership to provide citizens with access to affordable housing, more transportation options, and lower transportation costs, while protecting the environment in communities nationwide.

Updated: Wednesday, March 16, 2016
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