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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

2013 Environmental Excellence Awards

Letter from the Federal Highway Administrator

Photo of Victor M. Mendez
Cover of 2013 Environmental Excellence Awards booklet.

I am pleased to announce the 13 projects selected for the 2013 Environmental Excellence Awards. Since 1995, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has presented these biennial awards to recognize outstanding transportation projects, processes, and partners that go beyond "business as usual" to achieve environmental excellence.

The winners represent some of the best achievements in enhancing and preserving the environment in 2013. From promoting environmental streamlining to advancing new technologies to collaborating extensively with partners, the winning entries demonstrate a strong commitment to environmental excellence and innovation.

This year, we added three Environmental Excellence Awards categories to recognize environmental practices that exemplify collaboration and partnership; demonstrate innovative applications of geospatial tools, technology, and analysis; and showcase best practices of programmatic agreements that have brought quantifiable streamlining benefits. We selected the winning entries in these and the other nine categories because they integrate environmental considerations in creative and collaborative ways while meeting the Nation's growing transportation needs.

Congratulations to this year's winners. On behalf of the FHWA, I commend you for your outstanding accomplishments and your commitment to environmental excellence.

Signature: Victor M. Mendez

Victor M. Mendez
Federal Highway Administration
June 18, 2013

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Updated: 7/23/2013
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