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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

Integrating Context Sensitive Solutions in Transportation Planning

Final Report

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January 2007

U.S Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration Office of Planning
Publication Number: FHWA-HEP-07-014

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Project Background

Since the 1998 "Thinking Beyond the Pavement" workshop, the national movement of the use of context sensitive solutions for project development is well documented. Better understanding of the application of CSS principles in the transportation planning process will further enable appropriate, cost-effective, and successful integration and application into the planning and project development process to inform and influence context sensitive design/solutions in a more widespread and consistent manner. The goal of this project is to investigate emerging successful practices, case studies, and policy guidance that can promote integrating CSS principles in the transportation planning process.

The project includes a general review of the relevant literature and current planning practices. Using the 1998 CSS principles for project development as a point of departure, a set of principles applicable to transportation planning was developed. Materials for Web and print publication were prepared that include the principles, questions and answers related to implementing practices based on the principles, and case studies and fact sheets highlighting examples of CSS integration into transportation planning.

This report provides documentation of a survey of current practices in planning agencies and the development of the toolkit materials. The report concludes with a summary of findings, recommendations for implementation, and identifies several areas needing future study.

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Updated: 7/1/2014
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