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Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty (HEP)

Participation in State Required Relocation Payments

E-Mail Transmittal of Questions and Answers

From: Lauffer, Susan (Cleo Dorsey)
Date: 01/26/2001 11:51:21
Subject: Participation in State Required Relocation Payments

The Virginia Department of Transportation requested federal participation in the relocation payments newly mandated by the Virginia State legislature. As a result, we thoroughly considered the issue of Federal participation in relocation payments in excess of those stated in 49 CFR Part 24. We determined that the current regulation at 23 CFR 710.203(b) provides for participation in payments made under State law. However, we realize that the regulation is subject to interpretation. We plan to rectify this in the future with a clarification of the intent of the regulation.

In the interim, we are providing to each of you a copy of our response to Virginia and related questions and answers as attachments to this e-mail.

You may direct any questions to the Real Estate Point of Contact for your Division or the contact listed on this page.

Updated: 9/5/2014
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