Be Prepared

A top priority for the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency is building a new “Culture of Preparedness,” to ensure that every Mississippian is prepared for any type of disaster, whether natural or man-made. Preparedness begins with individuals and families, but a key component is for communities to come together and help one another prepare.

Every family should have a fully-stocked disaster supply kit, and also have a home evacuation plan. If disaster strikes in your area, where would you go? What would you do? Who would you contact to let everyone know that you and your family are safe?

The following tips are to ensure that individuals and families are prepared for every hazard the state faces. For specific disaster information, click the navigation menu on the right.

For more information about community preparedness, click here.


Fully-stock a disaster supply kit. These are essential items needed to live following a disaster.

  • Flashlight(s) with extra batteries.
  • Portable radio with extra batteries.
  • NOAA Weather Radio.
  • Non-perishable food for at least 3 days.
  • Bottled water (1 gallon per person per day).
  • First Aid Kit with prescription medications.
  • Bedding and clothing for each family member.
  • Blankets and towels.
  • Plastic dishes/eating utensils.
  • Rain Jackets/pants.
  • Sun screen/sunglasses/mosquito repellent.
  • Baby supplies (food, diapers, medication).
  • Pet supplies (food, leash & carrier, vaccination records).
  • Sanitary supplies.
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, cleanser, bleach, towelettes, toilet paper, trash bags, feminine hygiene products.
  • Copies of important documents.
  • Driver’s license, SS card, proof of residence, insurance policies, wills, deeds, birth and marriage certificates, tax records, medical records, family pictures, etc.
  • Cash, enough to fill up your vehicle with gas and travelers checks.
  • Emergency generator.
  • Bicycle helmet.


Develop a home evacuation plan. If a disaster happens near your home, know where you and your family would go, what you and your family would do and how you and your family would do it. If your home is damaged, know where everyone would go. Every family member should know the plan and how to execute the plan. Also, have a contact person outside of the area of your home to contact to let know everyone is safe.


Practice. Set time aside to practice the plan with everyone in the home. Everyone should know what to do and where to go in the event of an emergency. It can also be helpful to plan for disasters with your neighbors, family and friends. Sharing your emergency plan with neighbors, family and friends can help everyone know your specific plan and assist with recovery from the disaster.