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FHWA Resource Center



Transportation Planning Update

Spring Edition 2006

Jody McCullough
Transportation Planner, FHWA Office of Planning

Ben Williams
Metropolitan Planning Specialist, FHWA Resource Center

In This Issue

SAFETEA-LU Planning Impacts 1
Planning Provisions and Conformity 1
Visualization 1
Non-Metropolitan Local Official Consultation 2
Interstate Web Site 2
Safety Planning 2
Air Quality 3
EPA Ground Ozone Paper 4
NONROAD Model Ver. 4 Released 4
NMIM2005 Model Released 4
Mobile 6.2 Workshops 4
Linking Planning & NEPA 4
Coordinating Transportation & Conservation 5
Freight Planning 5
Trail Training Partnership 5
Travel Forecasting Training 5
FTA/FHWA Planners Seminar 5
Let's Talk Planning 6
2004 Highway Statistics Report 6
Travel Time Reliability 6
Access Management & Planning 6
HPMS Reevaluation 6
Planning Retirement 6
Land Use Briefing in Texas 6
Measuring Community Impact Assessment 7
Iowa Transportation Program Management 7
Scheduled Training Opportunities 7
Calendar of Events 9

SAFETEA-LU Planning Impacts

Implementation of SAFETEA-LU Planning Provisions

The entire SAFETEA-LU text and a series of Fact Sheets on each of the key provisions are available from the FHWA's reauthorization web site. Metropolitan and statewide transportation planning are largely addressed in Sections 3005, 3006, 6001, and 6011 (Conformity). Environmental provisions largely are reflected in Sections 6002-6010.

On December 8, 2005, FHWA and FTA issued additional "clarifying information/guidance" on the transition and implementation of the SAFETEA-LU planning provisions. This additional guidance was developed in response to a number of questions posed by FHWA Division Offices, FTA Regional Offices, State DOTs, public transportation operators, and MPOs on the period between August 10, 2005 (SAFETEA-LU enactment date) and July 1, 2007 (the SAFETEA-LU requirement for full implementation of the planning provisions) since the issuance of the FHWA/FTA Interim Guidance on Implementation of SAFETEA-LU Planning Provisions on September 2, 2005.

A key element in this latest guidance is that MPOs in nonattainment and maintenance areas may take advantage of the four-year SAFETEA-LU update cycles for transportation plans immediately. Therefore, the next transportation plan update (and FHWA/FTA conformity determination) must be completed within four years of the date of the FHWA/FTA conformity determination on the current transportation plan. However, the metropolitan transportation plan must reflect all SAFETEA-LU planning provisions if the time of the next FHWA/FTA conformity determination is on or after July 1, 2006. For more information on this recent guidance.


The Federal Highway Administration expects visualization tools to be a growing area of importance in the transportation sector. Visualization increases the effectiveness of communication of transportation plans and Metropolitan and Statewide Transportation Improvement Programs by including visual imagery to illustrate the complex character of proposed transportation improvements. SAFETEA-LU mandates its use in the Planning process and it has been in growing use in public involvement, NEPA, project design and other applications, like Safety R&D. FHWA has initiated the development of products such as: noteworthy practices, case studies, toolkits, Community of Practice, etc. If you should have any questions, comments, suggestions or need additional information on visualization techniques please contact Jody McCullough, HEPP, at (202) 366-2825 or Ben Williams, Resource Center 404-562-3671.
Deadline: Non-Metropolitan Local Official Consultation

February 24, 2006 was the deadline for States to solicit and review comments from non-metropolitan local officials and other interested parties on the effectiveness of the existing consultation process or processes. As part of this requirement, a "specific request for comments shall be directed to the State association of counties, State municipal league, regional planning agencies, or directly to non-metropolitan local officials pursuant to 23 CFR 450.212(i)."

The initial completion and adoption of a "separate and discrete" non-metropolitan local official consultation process by or before February 2004 established a baseline of State practices. The review in February 2006 engaged the State and non-metropolitan local officials in refining process approaches or strategies (i.e., continuous process improvement).

In Maine, State legislation directed the DOT to consult with local officials on transportation. Working with stakeholders, the State Department of Transportation developed a process for coordination through seven regional transportation advisory committees. Accordingly, Maine was more than ready for the changes in non-metropolitan local official consultation required under TEA-21 and continued in SAFETEA-LU.

FHWA Division Offices, in conjunction with their respective FTA Regional Offices, will be using the Statewide planning findings that accompany approvals of the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program as the primary mechanism for tracking and monitoring State progress in reviewing and refining these processes.

For more information on non-metropolitan local-official consultation, please see AASHTO Standing Committee on Planning reports (NCHRP 8-36, Task 14 and Task 35); the web site started by the National Association of Counties (NACo) and the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) at
; or the FHWA rural transportation planning page.

Interstate Web Site

Interstate 50th Anniversary Logo

FHWA has established an Official web site celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Interstate System. You may want to bookmark this site as a new "favorite", so that you can visit often!

On the site, you'll find many interesting and exciting features. These include:

  • Answers to over 30 frequently asked questions (FAQ),
  • A new Interstate Fact of the Day each weekday,
  • Interstate-related quotes -- in audio and text form -- from the "Father of the Interstate" President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
  • Exclusive stories of life in the Interstate world,
  • A virtual art exhibit of the famous Carl Rakeman paintings -- accompanied by Albert Rose's extensive captions -- that demonstrate the evolution toward the Interstate,
  • Links to a rich array of Interstate-related additional website resources,
  • A nostalgic list comparing "pop culture" icons in 1956 vs. 2006,
  • And, last in this list but certainly not least, FHWA amateur historian Richard Weingroff's classic historical tales of the Interstate.

Safety Planning

Safety Working Group
The Transportation Safety Planning Working Group (TSPW), formerly known as the Safety Conscious Planning Working Group, is an informal, ad hoc group of safety and planning professionals. The group began in May 2000 to identify strategies for moving forward on the integration of safety into the long range transportation planning process to reduce the number and severity of crashes on the nation's roadways. Since that time, TSPWG has also added advocacy for the development of Strategic Highway Safety Plans as required by SAFETEA-LU to its plate. It meets every 2-3 months and enjoys representation from professional member organizations such as AASHTO, APTA, AMPO, etc., the private sector, academe, the research community, and several federal agencies including FHWA and FTA.

TSPWG continues to meet periodically to develop ideas, foster and encourage activities, and gather and exchange information. Recently the TSPWG has launched the following programs:

New TRB Report on Safety Planning

The Transportation Research Board's National Cooperative Highway Research Program has just released NCHRP Report 546 "Incorporating Safety into Long-Range Transportation Planning." This report describes the transportation planning process and discusses where and how safety can be effectively addressed and integrated into long-range planning at state and metropolitan levels. This guidance manual should be especially useful to federal, state DOT, MPO, and local transportation planners, as well as other practitioners and stakeholders concerned with addressing safety within transportation systems planning, priority programming, and project development planning. This published report is available from the Transportation Research Board and can be ordered through the Internet.

New Transportation Safety Planning Website

The TSPWG, launched a new website. This website provides ongoing information about up-to-date safety planning information, best practices, research results, and safety champions pursuing safety integration into long and short range transportation plans and the development of Strategic Highway Safety Plans.

Transportation Safety Planning Newsletter

The Transportation Safety Planning Working Group (TSPWG), formerly known as the Safety Conscious Planning Working Group has released a second edition of their networking newsletter. The TSPWG is seeking new articles to be included in the newsletter about safety planning integration activities around the country. If you would like to contribute an article, please forward it to Sherry B. Ways, FHWA Office of Planning at sherry.ways@fhwa.dot.gov or call (202) 366-1587.

Financial Plans

Revised Financial Plan Requirements for Major Projects

Based upon the requirements of SAFETEA-LU FHWA has lowered the threshold for the size of projects that will need to have detailed financial plans developed. Projects that are estimated to cost $100 Million or more will need a plan that addresses the project cost estimate, implementation plan, funding resources, cash flow and the environmental and legal status.

Air Quality

USEPA To Publish PM2.5 Hotspot Rules

On April 5, 2005, USEPA designated 39 areas in 21 states as nonattainment for the PM2.5 air quality standard. Therefore, under provisions of the Clean Air Act, transportation conformity will apply in those areas on April 5, 2006. Conformity determinations required by FHWA/FTA would need to be made by this date or the restrictions of conformity lapse will be in effect. In addition, this deadline will also affect project authorization and approvals. Projects will need to be derived from a conforming TIP/transportation plan associated with a PM2.5 regional emissions analysis similar to the analyses done for Ozone nonattainment areas. At least initially, direct PM2.5 emissions and nitrogen oxides (NOx) as a precursor of PM2.5 would have to be analyzed unless the state directs that the other potential PM2.5 precursor(s) be scrutinized as well.

While PM2.5 conformity ensures that transportation plans, improvement programs and projects will not worsen regional air quality, project-level determinations may also need to show that they will not cause localized violations of the PM2.5 standard or "Hot-spots". Both the regional and hot-spot analyses may be required to reach a conformity determination. Currently, USEPA is deliberating with its federal partners on how and when a hot-spot analysis should occur and is considering a wide range of methodologies. Nevertheless, the final criteria and requirements of the PM2.5 hot-spot rule may not be complete until the end of March 2006, just days before the conformity rules will apply. In light of the timing, State DOT's, MPOs and project sponsors may wish to reexamine their project schedules in PM2.5 nonattainment areas. To avoid delays, project schedules may need to be adjusted to either advance a scheduled approval before April 5th or allow additional time for the project-level analysis. Note that although some approvals for a project may be received prior to April 5th, hot-spot requirements will have to be met after April 5, 2006, for subsequent approvals.

Project level conformity in PM2.5 nonattainment areas.

On November 17, 2005, FHWA issued an alert to Division staff on issues associated with the implementation of transportation conformity under the PM2.5 standard. FHWA wanted to ensure that state DOTs and MPOs are aware of approval and authorization issues for projects in PM2.5 nonattainment areas after April 5, 2006. Transportation conformity requirements apply in PM2.5 nonattainment areas and a conformity determination by FHWA/FTA must be made by April 5, 2006, or the restrictions of a conformity lapse will apply. However, this deadline also affects project authorizations and approvals.

After April 5, 2006, project-level conformity determinations must be made prior to final NEPA approval and/or project authorizations for non-exempt projects or project phases. This applies to project authorizations made after April 5, 2006, even if the final NEPA approval was before April 5, 2006. This requires that the project come from a conformity transportation plan/TIP or associated PM2.5 regional emissions analysis. In addition, a PM2.5 hot-spot analysis may be required. However, EPA has yet to finalize PM2.5 hot-spot requirements, and may not do so until March 31, 2006. Therefore, although project-level conformity determinations will be required after April 5, 2006, we may not know the final criteria and requirements for PM2.5 hot-spot analysis until only a few days before. State DOTs, MPOs and project sponsors may therefore wish to closely examine their project schedules in PM2.5 nonattainment areas. Project schedules may warrant adjustment to either advance the scheduled approval or authorization to before April 5, 2006, or to allow additional time to allow for the project-level analysis.

EPA Issues First Draft Staff Paper on Ground-level Ozone

On November 17, 2005, EPA issued an initial draft staff paper on ground-level ozone as part of a process to gather public, technical and scientific input to ensure that federal air quality standards reflect the latest air pollution and health effects research. The draft staff paper, "Review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Ozone," includes scientific and technical information about ozone related health and welfare effects, initial results from a human exposure analysis and health risk assessment, and discussion of a planned vegetation-related environmental assessment. The preliminary draft Staff Paper is available online.

EPA Posts Final Version of NONROAD model

This month, EPA posted NONROAD2005 - the final version of the NONROAD model that supersedes all previous versions of this model. NONROAD2005 calculates past, present, and future emission inventories for all nonroad equipment categories except commercial marine, locomotives, and aircraft. Questions on NONROAD should be emailed to nonroad.epa.gov.

EPA Posts Final Version of NMIM2005.

The National Mobile Inventory Model, NMIM2005, has been posted on EPA's web site . NMIM2005 estimates county emission inventories by month and calendar year using county-specific input parameters. NMIM2005 is essentially a graphical user interface that uses MOBILE6, NONROAD2005, and a database, which contains modeling information for each county in the U.S. to generate highway and/or nonroad inventories. Users may change the database to add their own information. Questions on NMIM2005 should be emailed to mobile@epa.gov.

FHWA Resource Center Air Quality Training Activities

FHWA's Resource Center Air Quality Technical Services Team is available to offer air quality-related training opportunities and information.

MOBILE 6.2 Workshops Scheduled

MOBILE 6.2 workshops are scheduled for February 14-15 in Hartford, CT, and February 22-23 in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. For more information, contact Michael.Roberts@fhwa.dot.gov.

FHWA HQ Transportation Conformity Team Contacts:

Cecilia.Ho@fhwa.dot.gov [202-366-9862]
Gary.Jensen@fhwa.dot.gov [202-366-2048]
Emily.Tait@fhwa.dot.gov [202-366-9482]

FHWA Resource Center Air Quality Team Contacts:

Environmental Stewardship & Streamlining

Linking Planning & NEPA

On January 30 through February 2, 2006 the FHWA Texas Division hosted a 3-1/2 day NHI/NTI workshop on "Linking Planning & NEPA: Towards Streamlined Decision-Making" in Austin, Texas

Approximately 45 executive agency leaders and 54 manager-level agency representatives from FHWA HQ, FHWA Texas Division, FTA Region VI, U.S. EPA Region VI, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, TX DOT District Offices (including Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas-Ft Worth), TX Dot's Office of Transportation Planning and Programming and TX Dot's Environmental Analysis Division, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and Regional Transit Authority representatives (from Dallas, Ft Worth, San Antonio, and Houston) met and discussed how to better integrate metropolitan/statewide planning process with the NEPA project development processes.

The resulting Action Plan for the State of Texas will provide the strategy, framework, and goals to help implement the new SAFETEA-LU Section 6001 planning provisions as part of the metropolitan and statewide transportation planning process. The vision statement for the Action Plan for the State of Texas includes: 1) development of improved Federal/State/Local interagency (transportation and resource agencies and tribes) coordination, consultation, and communication during the planning phase; 2) acceptance of transportation planning products (such as narrowing of alternatives) and processes by consideration of natural and human environmental resources; 3) development of Purpose and Need in the Planning Process; 4) incorporation of ecosystem stewardship in planning, including discussion of environmental mitigation; 5) use and acceptance of environmental screening tools and data sharing at the planning level, including conservation plans and maps and inventories of national and/or historic resources; 6) effective communication and public involvement throughout the planning and NEPA decision making processes. As a result of this workshop, State of Texas resource agencies agreed to work cooperatively with their respective MPO and State DOT partners to ensure that their planning efforts are shared and revisited as part of the MPO regional long-range transportation planning efforts.

Bring a Linking Planning and NEPA Workshop to your State.
For further information about scheduling these customized NHI/NTI Workshops for your State, please contact Jody McCullough at 202-366-2825

Coordinating Transportation and Conservation Planning

FHWA is working with NatureServe and Defenders of Wildlife to offer three workshops titled "Applications of Conservation Planning Tools with Transportation Planning and Project Development". The workshop focus is coordinating State wildlife and other conservation plans with transportation planning. The workshops will be held this summer. States are currently being contacted about participating. For more information contact Aung Gye at 202-366-2167 aung.gye@fhwa.dot.gov.

Brochure on "How to Engage Low-Literacy and Limited-English-Proficiency Populations in Transportation Decisionmaking," is available on the Web

To fulfill the planning requirements of SAFETEA-LU for "reasonable opportunity to comment" and "reasonable opportunity for consideration," outreach efforts to people with low literacy or limited English proficiency require awareness that these populations exist and careful consideration of outreach techniques. In addition to explaining the scope of the issue and providing "best practices," the new FHWA brochure "How to Engage Low-Literacy and Limited-English-Proficiency Populations in Transportation Decisionmaking" provides a lot of useful practitioner-focused information. It presents what these terms mean, ways to access reliable data, ways to access documented indicators/surrogates, special approaches that need to be considered, the best ways to contact these populations, and the lessons learned during the study. Hard copies should be available in late March 2006. For more information contact : Brenda Kragh 202-366-2064 brenda.kragh@fhwa.dot.gov

Freight Planning

The Office of Transportation Policy Studies has completed an initial assessment of freight bottlenecks on the highway systems. Freight congestion problems are most apparent at bottlenecks on highways, specific physical locations on highways that routinely experience recurring congestion and traffic backups because traffic volumes exceed highway capacity. Bottlenecks are estimated to account for about 40 percent of vehicle hours of delay. This white paper is an initial effort to identify and quantify, on a national basis, highway bottlenecks that delay trucks and increase costs to businesses and consumers. It is the first to look specifically at the impacts and costs of highway bottlenecks on truck freight shipments.

National Trails Training Partnership

Do you need trail training? Do you have training opportunities you'd like to publicize? Can you teach trail skills to others? The National Trails Training Partnership (NTTP) wants to work with you and agencies and trails organizations nationwide to make trail training more available. FHWA has a partnership with the USDA Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, and US Fish and Wildlife Service, in collaboration with many nonprofit trail organizations, to support trail training opportunities. FHWA has a cooperative agreement with American Trails to coordinate the NTTP.

Travel Model Improvement Program

Training in Travel Forecasting
The New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) is hosting an offering of NHI 152054, Introduction To Urban Travel Demand Forecasting. This 4-day course will go from 12:00 February 27 through 12:00 March 3rd, at the NYMTC office at 199 Water St. NY, NY.

The intended audience for this course is relatively new Federal, State and local planners who wish to gain a better understanding of the principles and techniques of travel demand forecasting.
For registration and more information contact Sarah Siwek at ssiwek@aol.com or visit the NHI website.

Field Staff Communication

FTA/FHWA Planners' Seminar

This is a reminder to FHWA Division and FTA Region planning staff that the FHWA/FTA Planners' Seminar will be held April 19-21, 2006 at the Wyndham Washington, DC. The Planners' Seminar will be preceded on the afternoon of Tuesday, April 18 by an optional workshop for FHWA staff. Also to be held at the Wyndham Hotel. The Office of Highway Policy Information will host this workshop. Additionally, FTA staff will also meet at the Wyndham all day Tuesday.

The last day to reserve guest rooms is March 27, 2006. When calling to reserve guest rooms, FHWA and FTA staff should reference the "US DOT Planners Seminar." The Wyndham's telephone number is 202-429-1700 or 1-800-WYNDHAM. The group rate is $180 plus taxes. A draft agenda has been transmitted via email to the FHWA field offices and is posted on FTAnet (go to "Systems Planning" under "Planning"). For more information, contact Robin Smith (FHWA) at 720-963-3072 or Darin Allan (FTA) at 202-366-6694.

Let's Talk Planning Videoconference Series

The next Division Planners "Let's Talk Planning" Video Conference will be Thursday, March 9, 2006 at 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm eastern time. The topic will be HPMS 101 with Fred Orloski presenting. Future topics include Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) and other new Federal requirements of SAFETEA-LU. For more information contact: Jocelyn Jones 410-962-2486 or Jody McCullough 202-366-2825.

Highway Statistics

New Highway Statistics Report Released

FHWA has posted the Highway Statistics Report of 2004 data. The printed versions should be distributed in March 2006.

Congestion Management

Travel Time Reliability Measures
FHWA has released its "Travel Time Reliability Guidance Document," which describes in some detail how to develop travel time reliability measures (including the NTOC-sanctioned "Buffer Time/Buffer Index"). The full guidance document is available on the Office of Operations web site.

Access Management in Planning

In December 2005, TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) released Report 548, "A Guidebook for Including Access Management in Transportation Planning". It offers guidance for implementing access management through the transportation planning process. It includes recommendations on things that can be done at the statewide, corridor and project planning levels to take advantage of access management activities..


HPMS study to look at changing business needs

In light of the recent authorization of SAFETEA-LU and the changing business needs of both our internal and external customers, the FHWA Office of Highway Policy Information is about to undertake a periodic reassessment of the Highway Performance Monitoring System. The HPMS' purpose has always been to provide data that reflects the extent, condition, performance, use, and operating characteristics of the Nation's highways. To identify the changing needs for accurate, appropriate, and timely data related to meet HPMS' purpose, it is important for the FHWA, through the reassessment process, to determine what improvements may be necessary to maintain and enhance this national highway database. The last time the HPMS went through a reassessment was 1999.

A series of regional outreach meetings (locations have yet to be finalized) open to the public, but aimed at both the data providers and the data users, will be held to seek input and generate discussion of what direction HPMS should take by the year 2010. Findings will be documented and recommendations will be formulated on behalf of these meetings and other public comment. These meetings are to begin the spring 2006 and finish by early summer 2006. The entire reassessment is expected to take 18 months. All those interested, including State Highway Agencies, MPO's, regional councils, consultants, academia, and others that make use of highway data are encouraged to take part.
For more information, please contact Ralph Volpe at 202-366-4048.

Resource Center News

Planning Pillar Retires

Photo of Bob Radics

Bob Radics of the Resource Center Planning Team is retiring with close to 40 years of service to the transportation planning community. Bob had a role in developing the original travel demand forecasting procedures that are still a basis of the software used by most States and MPOs today. He has served in Division Offices in Vermont and Georgia, as Director of Planning and Project Development for the old Region four Office, with FTA Region 4 and currently as the senior team member on the Resource Center Planning Technical Service Team. Bob's last day with FHWA will be March 17th. The Resource Center will have a luncheon for him on March 8th. For more information or to send memories of Bob contact Ben Williams 404-562-3671 or ben.williams@fhwa.dot.gov.

Land Use and Transportation Briefing in Texas

The Resource Center Planning Team, in cooperation with the FHWA Office of Planning, developed a one-day seminar on coordinating land use and transportation. The Texas Division was the first host for the new training and facilitated two sessions, one in Austin and the other in the fast growing Lower Rio Grande Valley. In both sessions several MPOs participated, along with local planning agencies, DOT staff, other local agencies, elected officials, and FHWA staff.

The Austin session also included presentations on related events including, Envision Central Texas, USGS land use research efforts, and work underway in Houston to track current land use data and monitor development in a light rail corridor.

The Lower Rio Grande Valley session was hosted by the Hidalgo County MPO and included representatives from several MPOs and planning agencies in the valley.

Contact Mitch Batuzich (512-536-5905) of the Texas Division Office for more information on the land use sessions in Texas. Contact Jim Thorne, FHWA Resource Center (708-283-3538, or jim.thorne@fhwa.dot.gov) if you are interested in more information on the new Land Use Briefing seminar.

News From Our Partners

Transportation Program Management System (TPMS)- Iowa

The Iowa County Engineers Association (ICEA) and the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) recently implemented an online, web-based system called the Transportation Program Management System (TPMS) that is being used to manage the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) for the state of Iowa. TPMS is an up to date, "real-time" web-based STIP management system that the local Governments, Regional Planning Agencies (RPA's), Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO's), Iowa DOT, and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) are using to manage the STIP. TPMS was created as a means for expediting project delivery and minimizing delays being caused by the difficulty of keeping county 5-year programs, regional TIP's, and the STIP in agreement with each other.

In addition to the STIP, TPMS facilitates the preparation, submittal, review, and approval of county road departments' five year programs and budgets, supports the process of assembling local, regional, and statewide federal aid transportation improvement programs, and allows project sponsors and state DOT reviewers to track projects that are actively being prepared for letting.

TPMS alerts project sponsors if a project's funding is not in sync with its letting date, thus helping to minimize project delays. Currently, county projects can be mapped to an electronic county map; city and regional mapping will come online in 2006. TPMS permits filtering and gives each user access to command and edit options appropriate to their role. TPMS should reduce delays, improve efficiency of the STIP process, and facilitate a cooperative process for STIP development and management in the state of Iowa. If you have any questions regarding TPMS, feel free to contact Holly Liles, FHWA Iowa Division, 515.233.7314 holly.liles@fhwa.dot.gov or Shawn Majors, Iowa DOT 515.239.1288 or Steve Devries, ICEA 515.244.9952 x319

Measuring the Effectiveness of Community Impact Assessment: Recommended Core Measures

The Florida Department of Transportation has released a report that examines performance measures or measures of effectiveness for community impact assessment. The report also assesses actual impacts after a transportation action and identifies methods for collecting feedback to inform future actions.

International Conference on Transportation and Economic Development

The third conference on Transportation and Economic Development will be held March 29-31, 2006 in Little Rock, Arkansas (the previous conferences were held in 1989 and 2002). Over three dozen organizations are sponsors of one kind or another (many contributing funding). This conference expects to host such speakers as former Secretary Slater, former FHWA Administrator Peters and Arkansas Senator Lincoln. The conference fee is reasonable and covers of most meals.

Scheduled Training Opportunities

Next Quarter's Workshops & Training Courses
Resource Center

For information see the Resource Center contacts.

3/14/2006-3/15/2006 Census Transportation Planning Package Software Nashville, TN

3/15/2006 Engaging the Private Sector in Freight Planning Cleveland, OH

4/27/26 Engaging the Private Sector in Freight Planning Austin, TX

5/2/2006 Overview of Travel Demand Forecasting, Arlington, VA

5/9/2006 Overview of Travel Demand Forecasting Richmond VA

5/11/2006 Overview of Travel Demand Forecasting Roanoke, VA

National Transit Institute registration instructions

3/21/2006-3/22/2006 Statewide Transportation Planning Kansas City, MO

4/4/2006-4/5/2006 Metropolitan Transportation Planning, Detroit, MI

4/4/2006-4/6/2006 Financial Planning in Transportation Los Angeles, CA

5/2/2006-5/4/2006 Metropolitan Transportation Planning Austin, TX

5/9/2006-5/11/2006 Multimodal Travel Forecasting San Diego, CA

5/17/2006-5/19/2006 Financial Planning in Transportation Philadelphia, PA

5/22/2006-5/24/2006 Statewide and Metropolitan Transportation Programming Houston, TX

6/6/2006-6/8/2006 Multimodal Travel Forecasting Atlanta, GA

National Highway Institute

For more information or NHI contacts

3/1/2006-3/2/2006 Federal-Aid Highways-101(State Version) Fairbanks, AK

3/8/2006-3/9/2006 Application of the FHWA Traffic Monitoring Guide Shoreview, MN

3/8/2006-3/9/2006 Fundamentals of Title VI/ Environmental Justice New Brunswick, NJ

3/14/2006 - 3/16/2006 NEPA and Transportation Decision Making Denver, CO

3/15/2006-3/17/2006 CORSIM Traffic Simulation Model Training Atlanta, GA

3/21/2006-3/23/2006 #139002 Uses of Multimodal Freight Forecasting in Transportation Planning Charlottesville, VA

4/4/2006-4/6/2006 Metropolitan Transportation Planning Detroit, MI

4/4/2006 - 4/6/2006 NEPA and Transportation Decision Making Schenectady, NY

4/12/2006 - 4/13/2006 #139001 Integrating Freight in the Transportation Planning Process Lansing, MI

4/24/2006-4/25/2006 Bicycle Facility Design Helena, MT

4/24/2006-4/25/2006 Pedestrian Facility Design Helena, MT

5/2/2006-5/4/2006 Metropolitan Transportation Planning Austin, TX

5/2/2006-5/4/2006 Access Management, Location and Design Macon, GA

5/9/2006-5/11/2006 NEPA and Transportation Decision Making Burbank, CA

5/16/2006 - 5/17/2006 #139001 Integrating Freight in the Transportation Planning Process Sacramento, CA

5/16/2006-5/18/2006 NEPA and Transportation Decision Making Shoreview, MN

5/16/2006-5/18/2006 NEPA and Transportation Decision Making Allentown, PA

Calendar of Events

03/22/2006-3/23/ 2006, National OHV Program Managers Workshop and March 23-26, National Off Highway Vehicle Conservation Council Annual Conference, Birmingham, AL. or contact Ann Vance at 800-348-6487.

3/26/2005-3/30/2006 AASHTO/ FHWA/ FTA/BTS GIS-T Symposium Columbus, Ohio program and registration.

4/22/2006-4/26/2006 APA National Planning Conference San Antonio, TX

4/4/2006-4/7/2006 Midwest Planning Conference, Marriott Country Club Plaza, Kansas City

5/21/2006-5/23/2006 Innovations in Travel Modeling 2006 Conference, Austin, TX

6/ 3/2006 National Trails Day. Organized by the American Hiking Society with financial support from FHWA's Recreational Trails Program.

. 6/4/2006-6/7/2006 North American Travel Monitoring Exhibition & Conference Minneapolis, MN

8/16/2006 - 8/20/2006 11th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, Kyoto University, Japan

8/13/2006-8/16/2006 7th National Access Management Conference Park City, UT

8/ 27/2006-8/30/2006 Association for Commuter Transportation 2006 International Conference Boston, MA

9/5-8, 2006, ProWalk/ProBike 2006, Organized by the National Center for Bicycling and Walking. Madison WI.

9/15/2006 - 9/17/2006 10th National Conference on Transportation Planning For Small and Medium-Sized Communities, Sheraton Downtown, Nashville, TN

10/18/2006-10/19/ 2006, State Trail Administrators Meeting, Quad Cities Iowa/Illinois

Rail~Volution 2006 The twelfth annual conference will be held in Chicago, Illinois November 4-8, 2006.

For more information, review the following calendars for upcoming transportation events:

FHWA Planning, Environment and Realty Calendar

FHWA Resource Center Calendar

TRB Conferences & Workshops

FHWA Resource Center logo
yellow circle
staff / phones

Technical Service Teams
Air Quality

Civil Rights

Construction & Project Mgmt


Finance Services




Pavement & Materials


Safety & Design



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