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DOT seeks to cut paperwork, saving truckers time and money

DOT seeks to cut paperwork, saving truckers time and money

Proposed rule will save trucking industry $1.7 billion annually

In January 2011, President Obama outlined a plan to create a 21st-century regulatory system – one that protects public health and welfare while promoting economic growth, innovation, competitiveness, and job creation. Part of that plan was an unprecedented government-wide review of regulations already on the books. During my confirmation hearings, I pledged to accept the President's challenge and to make improving efficiency one of my top priorities.

And with today’s announcement from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, we are delivering on that pledge.

Today, we are proposing a rule that will dramatically eliminate a major burden and save trucking companies about $1.7 billion each year.

Photo of trucks on a highway

Every day truck drivers inspect their equipment before and after a trip. Then, they submit reports, which the company they work for must keep on file. They have to do this whether or not they find a defect. And 95 percent of the time, there is nothing wrong with their truck.

If the rule we're proposing goes into effect, we'll eliminate the burden of completing and retaining reports when there is nothing to report. Truck drivers will still do the same inspections, but only file a report if there’s something wrong.  It's common sense, and it will save truck drivers an estimated 47.2 million hours annually that could be better spent.

It also represents the largest paperwork reduction achieved since President Obama’s May 2012 Executive Order to reduce regulatory burdens on the private sector.

Last year, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration also eliminated similar “no defect” inspection reports for intermodal equipment trailers and saved the intermodal industry about $54 million annually with no adverse impact on safety.

So, today’s proposal is one more step toward greater efficiency and cost-savings.

And it won't be our last.

Anthony Foxx is the 17th U.S. Secretary of Transportation.

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Th as ts great news but th here is still do much more that can help us like going back to the old HOS and down time getting loaded or unloaded won't count a gainst us

There are a lot bigger issues that need to be addressed than pti paperwork! Work on fines for shippers and receivers there is absolutely no reason we should sit at docks for 3-4 hours or more! Drivers should be paid a minimum of minimum wage for waits longer than an hour! This 30 minute break rule wth exactly is that gonna accomplish? And who the hell sleeps 10 hours? The trucking industry is discriminated against everyday with these HOS rules! Why can time clock punchers work unlimited hours and drive their cars with absolutely no inspection? These are just a few examples of bigger things that need addressed over a piece of paper that I'd much rather see proof they are doing it or at least the fact that the pti papers hold the driver accountable!

Make sure weigh in on the official comment period which ends 10/7.

it's great to hear someone is finally spending some time on cutting costs.

Anything that helps truck drivers get through the day is a win for everyone!

How will truckers provide assurance to FDOT that these inspections are actually done?

Wow, thanks for some common sense, while your at it go knock on the FMCSA's door and tell them to quit creating an artificial driver shortage, stealing cash from our pockets, and robbing us of our precious home time with these insane and baseless HOS regulations.

Absurdly naive. You still need to do a post-trip inspection. Less than a minute of potential writing and a small piece of paper is saved. That will lead to billions of dollars saved?

Let's do something about the ridiculous 30 minute break in an 8 hour drive period, then we might have something.
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