Evaluation of ESOH Related Mission Risks

Evaluation of ESOH Related Mission Risks

Background on Nanomaterials

NNI backgrounder pdf [252 KB]

Natl Nanotech Initiative (NNI) background paper

Nanotechnology: The Future is Coming Sooner Than You Think pdf [193 KB]

This paper discusses the range of sciences currently covered by nanotechnology. It begins with a description of what nanotechnology is and how it relates to previous scientific advances. It then describes the most likely future development of different te

NNI One Pager pdf [71 KB]

Natl Nanotech Initiative (NNI) one pager

DoD Uses

Nanomaterials and Human Health

ES and T Article pdf [196 KB]

Hazard Assessment for Environmental Risks of Nanotechnology

ILSI Report on NanoTech Health Strategy pdf [428 KB]
John Bucher of the National Toxicology Program pdf [1.44 MB]

Developments in Nano Material Risk Assessment and Toxicity

NIOSH Nanotechnology Field Research Effort pdf [95 KB]

Information from NIOSH that reviews the National Nanotech Initiative, Environmental Safety and Health issues and NIOSH Nanotech program

SWCNT EHP pdf [691 KB]

Engineered nanosized materials, such as single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT), are emerging as technologically important in different industries. The unique physical characteristics and the pulmonary toxicity of SWCNTs raised concerns that respiratory exposure to these materials may be associated with cardiovascular adverse effects. In these studies we evaluated aortic mitochondrial alterations by oxidative stress assays, including quantitative polymerase chain reaction of mitochondrial (mt) DNA and plaque formation by morphometric analysis in mice exposed to SWCNTs.

Swiss pdf [1.52 MB]

Developments in Nano Material Risk Assessment and Toxicity

Wilson Effects nanotech final pdf [1.07 MB]

Woodrow Wilson NanoTech Center Reports

Sci Study: Characterization of Nano Dispersion in Solution pdf [1.36 MB]

Toxicological Sciences Publication of research funded/performed by DoD: Characterization of Nanomaterial Dispersion in Solution Prior to In Vitro Exposure Using Dynamic Light Scattering Technique

Sci Study: Cellular Interaction of Different Forms of Aluminum Nanoparticles pdf [450 KB]

J. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111, 7353-7359 7353. Cellular Interaction of Different Forms of Aluminum Nanoparticles in Rat Alveolar Macrophages. Research funded/conducted by DoD.

EST Article: Risk Assessment of Engineered Nanomaterials pdf [106 KB]

EST Article that surveys current industrial practices

10 July 2008: Not Enough Information to Assess the Safety of Nanomaterials pdf [80 KB]

This is a news release by the Council of Canadian Academies on the overall human and environmental risks posed by the introduction nanomaterials and nanoproducts into society.

A Risk Based Classification System for Nanomaterials pdf [239 KB]

Journal of Nano Research Article published by USACE scientists on Risk-based classification system of nanomaterials.

Fine particulates circulation research by American Heart Assoc pdf [530 KB]
NGO Report on Nanotechnology and Food pdf [2.16 MB]
OECD List of NanoMaterials and Endpoints for Phase One of Testing pdf [193 KB]

OECD program on the safety of manufactured nanomaterials. Publication 6

Dr. Kulinowski pdf [2.62 MB]

Developments in Nano Material Risk Assessment and Toxicity

Pew Nano Report pdf [6.05 MB]

The Pew Charitable Trusts Woodrow Wilson Center of International Scholars has released its online inventory of nanotechnology potential environmental human health and safety effects. This report was completed under the Pew Project on Emerging Nanontechnology.

Nanomaterials and Toxics Regulation

NNI EHS research needs effort overview pdf [719 KB]

Various files related to the potential regulation of Nanomaterials.

OECD Questionnaire to Regulating Agencies Worldwide on Nanomaterials doc [298 KB]

fyi. Questionnaire released in Aug 2008. US response being compiled by EPA

Wilson Intl Center for Scholars report on ECPRA and TRI as related to Nanomate pdf [658 KB]

Wilson International Center for Scholars (reference) which analyzed whether nano-engineered products were covered under EPCRA which includes in part toxic release reporting for covered locations (locations which exceed certain thresholds of highly hazardous chemicals). Currently nanomaterials are not covered under TRI.

Nanotechnology: Regulatory and Litigation Update, July 2008 pdf [795 KB]

Presented at the Environmental Law Institute
Washington, DC, by Dave Wagner, Esquire
July 22, 2008

Nanotechnology: Regulatory and Litigation Update, George A. Kimbrell, July 200 pdf [421 KB]

Presented at the Environmental Law Institute, Washington, DC, by George A. Kimbrell, The International Center for Technology Assessment, July 22, 2008

USEPA Final Rule: Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical Substances, 5 pdf [134 KB]

Federal Register Announcement, Vol. 73, No. 215 / Wednesday, November 5, 2008 / Rules and Regulations

EPA TSCA FR Notice on Nano Materials pdf [66 KB]

Various files related to the potential regulation of Nanomaterials.

Env. Defense - DuPont Nano Risk Framework pdf [499 KB]

Information related to the DoD EC Nano Material Work Group.

Nanomaterials and Ecological Effects

Invest Valuation pdf [684 KB]

Information on the potential impacts of Nanoparticles on Ecological Systems

Industrial Ecology Part I pdf [549 KB]

Information on the potential impacts of Nanoparticles on Ecological Systems

Industrial Ecology Part II pdf [1.72 MB]

Information on the potential impacts of Nanoparticles on Ecological Systems

NNI Research Needs pdf [1.11 MB]

Information on the potential impacts of Nanoparticles on Ecological Systems

Swiss-Re pdf [1.20 MB]

Impacts of Nanoparticles on Ecological Systems

Ecological Uptake and Depuration of Carbon Nanotubes by Lumbriculus variegatus pdf [202 KB]

An article from the April 2008 volume of Environmental Health Perspectives.

Oberdorster pdf [2.04 MB]

Information on the potential impacts of Nanoparticles on Ecological Systems

Interview CSSP doc [33 KB]

Information on the potential impacts of Nanoparticles on Ecological Systems

Field Assessment pdf [68 KB]

Information on the potential impacts of Nanoparticles on Ecological Systems

Research on Nanomaterials

NanoTech Risk Perceptions pdf [723 KB]

Woodrow Wilson NanoTech Center Reports on NanoTech risk perception

NNI_EHS_research_needs 2006.pdf pdf [769 KB]

The Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology (NSET) Subcommittee of the National Science and Technology Councils Committee on Technology. NSET released a document identifying environmental, health, and safety (EHS) research and information needs related to understanding and management of potential risks of engineered nanoscale materials.

Jim Willis Slides pdf [33 KB]

An interagency meeting between EPA and DoD has held to coordinate environmental health and safety research between DoD and EPA. The agenda and slides presented at the meeting are provided here. March 2007

References11 pdf [72 KB]

Summary: The Royal Academy of Engineering report on nanotechnologies - Nanoscience and nanotechnologies: opportunities and uncertainties - was published on 29 July 2004. The report illustrates the fact that nanotechnologies offer many benefits both now and in the future but that public debate is needed about their development. It also highlights the immediate need for research to address uncertainties about the health and environmental effects of nanoparticles one small area of nanotechnologies. It also makes recommendations about regulation to control exposure to nanoparticles.

Multicriteria Decision Analysis and Life Cycle Analysis for Nanomaterials pdf [73 KB]

Journal of Industrial Ecology Article on Coupling Multicriteria Decision Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment for Nanomaterials. Written by USACE scientists.

Nanodiamond tox research - possible substitute for some hex chrome uses pdf [1.71 MB]

Independent study indicates that the purity and inertness of nanodiamond reduces the risk that is posses a biohazard. Due to widespread concern about the growing use and presence of nanomaterials in the workplace, I am sure there will be many more studies. However, in comparison to other nanomaterials, including carbon-based materials, nanodiamond looks very favorable.

Study on Nano Aluminum transport thru sand columns and its enviro effects. pdf [331 KB]

Report from Science Direct on Nano - aluminum and its transport thru sand columns and environmental effects. Nano - aluminum is of interest to DoD due to its potential use in explosives.

Media Coverage of Nanomaterials

nanomaterials MP3 File mp3 [5.22 MB]

NPR - Talk of Nation Coverage of Nano Materials

Audio mp3 [7.36 MB]

April 28 2006 broadcast from NPRs Science Friday. Kristen Kulinowski, Department of Chemistry, Executive Director for Education and Public Policy, Center for Biological and Environmental Nanotechnology, Director, International Council on Nanotechnology, Rice University

Nanotubes different than Carbon pdf [47 KB]

Chem Engineering News article from Nov 2008 on EPA finding that Carbon Nanotubes are not the same as carbon -- thus considered a new substance by EPA under TSCA.

Nanotube Inflammation: Long, Thin Carbon Structures Exhibit Asbestos-like Path pdf [31 KB]

Latest News from Chemical and Engineering News, 26 May 2008, entitled Nanotube Inflammation: Long, thin carbon structures exhibit asbestos-like pathogenicity in mice, by Bethany Halford

EPA Issues First-Time TSCA Regulatory Order For Controversial Nanomaterial pdf [46 KB]

News from INSIDEEPA.COM, EPA Issues First-Time TSCA Regulatory Order For Controversial Nanomaterial, 10 October 2008

Economist Article: The Risk in Nanotechnology pdf [136 KB]

The Economist covers risks associated with development of nanotechnology field.