Resources for Smoother Moves

Service member sitting on a couch with his son lying across his lap, his wife next to him and his daughter

Moving can be an adventure. Sometimes, too much of an adventure. Keep the drama out and the fun in your next permanent change of station move with these Department of Defense resources.

Your installation's Military and Family Support Center

Before and after you move, the staff at your old and new installations can connect you with:

  • Information about your new duty station
  • A PCS Smooth Move class
  • Information on moving costs, housing, child care, employment opportunities for military spouses, and shipping and storing your household goods
  • Relocation counseling on housing, finance and stress management
  • Newcomer orientations
  • The Sponsorship Program for service members and their spouses, which assigns someone to show you the ropes at your new duty station.

Online resources

Now 24-hour moving assistance is just a few clicks away. With these websites:

  • Set up your move and track your shipments through the Defense Personal Property System website,
  • Search MilitaryINSTALLATIONS for information about your new installation, to request a sponsor or to find installation and state-related military contacts.
  • Go to Plan My Move, enter your basic moving information and get a three-month, customizable calendar to help you plan and track your move.

Emergency financial assistance


MilitaryINSTALLATIONS to learn about your new duty station, request a sponsor and get contact information.

Sometimes we end up with more month than money. If you find yourself facing a financial emergency:

  • Contact Army Emergency Relief, the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society or the Air Force Aid Society for emergency financial assistance by service.
  • Receive emergency food vouchers or community emergency resource referrals from your installation's Military and Family Support Center.
  • Borrow household goods from your Military and Family Support Center loan closet until your goods catch up with your move.
  • Connect with Military OneSource consultants who can direct you to emergency financial resources available within the community.

Non-medical counseling services

Relocation is rarely simple. In fact, it can be pretty stressful. If you and your family would welcome additional support:

  • Take advantage of Military and Family Support Center program and services.
  • Contact Military OneSource for no-cost, confidential non-medical counseling services.

Tap into these resources and let the moving begin.


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