How to Be Prepared for a Wildfire

Firefighter spraying water on a wildfire.

If you live in a woodland setting or dry area, wildfires are a very real danger. While there's no way to completely protect your family and home from a wildfire, you can take steps to reduce the possibility of a wildfire and its effects. Here's how:

  • Maintain your home with fire safety in mind.
  • Create an emergency plan.
  • Prepare your family.
  • Understand your insurance policy.

A woodland setting, especially one with low humidity, can be a beautiful place to live. But sometimes, the spark from a not-quite-extinguished match or blink-of-an-eye lightning bolt can trigger a wildfire that can destroy property and lives in an instant.

It's up to you to be prepared for the unexpected. Advance planning can help you react quickly to protect your family and home.

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